How hot is it??

Rat Rods Rule

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Not my pic but I think this pretty much sums it up around here!lol


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hows this for you?


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It's hot every Summer here in Florida but this year it started early and hasn't let up. We hate even going to the shop during the day. Yesterday it poured all day and I mean in buckets, so it kept the temps down and we loved it.

Maybe there is something to this global warming thing ! :eek:

It's been mid 70's at my house but I'm 2 miles from the beach. Funny thing is, you go e/b 1/2 miles and the temp goes up 5 degrees. Go another 3 miles and the temp goes up another 5 degrees.
that dog has the answer. My poor old pup walked across my blacktop driveway and was limping before he got across. Crazy that we are looking forward to 95 degrees here today. That's a drop of about 8 from yesterday. [cl
I guess we are never happy. I remember a day last winter when Dan and I went to the shop to do some work. We walked in and it was in the 40's in there so we turned around and went was just too cold to do anything. What I would give for one of those days now ! :D

Wednesday my supervisor said he was grilling burgers, but after 20 minutes they weren't cooking very fast. Suddenly realized his tank wasn't hooked up! He was sun cooking them - lid said 225 degrees. :p

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