Country Misfit
I tell you... I get no respect!
My neighbor was burning some limbs and leaves and it got away from her.It caught my grass on fire. I was taking a shower when she knocked on the door and was yelling fire.I threw on a pair of pants and ran outside and fire was around my 38 Packard -47 jeep tk-49 Dodge tk and near some of my " parts trucks" ..I didnt have a water hose near by , so I grabbed a shovel and I was throwing dirt like you wouldnt believe. I got all the fire out that was near the cars. A tire was burning very close to my storage building and I knew if it keep burning my building would catch fire,so i jumped on my tractor { with ft end loader } and threw some dirt on it. I got it all put out,all I lost was a tire. 1st chance I get ,Im going to clear out a spot for my stuff and put down some gravel so no grass can grow .