Inspection Question!

Rat Rods Rule

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It's just a little surface rust!
Jul 3, 2008
Northern Illinois
How do you guys tag and register your cars with Zoomies and other assorted non-legal items? Here in Analville, we have to go thru a sometimes rigorous inspection by the DMV gestapo. Depending on their current mood and whether they are constipated that day will depend on your passing the inspection they "perform"! I know for a fact that zoomies will cause an automatic failure. Once you do get your car or truck passed you have the option of changing the status to antique which means you never have to go thru the inspection lanes again, you only have to pick up your free tags every 2 years. Yes, I said FREE tags. The only thing I've ever seen thats free from the state! Then you can change whatever you want.But the only drawback to them is the stipulation on driving hours. You can't have it as a daily driver, you can only drive on Sunday or if you're going to anything car related. I'm OK with that, because anything to keep me out of the inspection lanes is a good thing!:D When I moved to another county, I went to that inspection lane. While I was sitting outside waiting my turn I saw 3 of them poke their pointed little heads out the door and look my car over, I thought, this isn't good! As soon as I pulled into the lane, Colonel Klink pulled a tape measure out and proceeded to measure the height of my chopped windshield. He then told me the glass was a 1/2 inch too small! I asked him what could I do and his response was. "that's your problem". After much discussion with the head man, they issued a one year tag and told me to fix it. I now go to another lane where they don't check windshield heights, so I'm good. Sorry to be so long winded, but as you can see I get fired up whenever I think about DMV!:mad: Just wondering what you guys go thru for your inspections or whatever they do in your state............CR:D
I'm in Tejas & have most of my cars registered as "Antiques". You get a set of plates for the year of the car & they issue you a separate little tag that is good for 5 years... no inspections! The 5 year tag is barely more than a 1 year regular tag. Sweeeet!!!

Virgina also has antique tags available with limited use but the antique [rat rod] must be equipped so that it will pass a "road side" inspection if some nazi, I mean cop decides to hassle you. Va. inspection law requires all exhaust to exit behind the passengers compart of any motor vehicle unless originally equipped with side exhaust. So zoomies are not legal in Va. But in all fairness to the cops they really don't hassle us much, probably cuz there are very few rat rods on the road here.
No ispections in Washington. You can get a plate for the year(25 years old or older) of your car pay a one time fee and your plate is good for life, no fees after that. The only caviat is the plate becomes a piece of equpment and is on the title so if you sell the car the plate goes with it.

There is also a "collector car" plate you can get, same deal, I don't think they look right but thats just me.
In Florida we have no rules. [cl We have no inspections, antique plates have no usage restrictions, the police are very cool generally, as long as you are not an idiot, and loud pipes save lives so noise doesn't seem to be a problem.

It also helps if you are a little older. Cops seem to smile if they seen an old man like me driving a hot rod........guess they figure what the heck, let the old geezer have one last fling. [cl


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