Just spend 6 hours for an... er... indiscretion!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Yep... just finished up a 6 hr online defensive driving course for a lil... er... indiscretion. But officer... I swear that other guy was goin' faster than I was! WHY am I gettin' a ticket!?!? :eek::eek::eek:

We tried to tell you, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you had to go out and beat every other car on the road, didn't you. [ddd Just to keep you from racking up any more points we are going to have to pick up that Chevelle and store it somewhere for a month or two. The truck will be there in the morning. (leave the keys in the ignition and a full tank of hi test, please) :D:D

Back in the day (my teens) I had a folder an inch thick, all car related, at the court house. The county Judge (and city Mayor) and I were on a first name basis. Once ended up with a years probation for racing ( my nova beat a gto). Had to beg for insurance and give them my right arm for payment. Now.... my 17 year old loves speed and I cringe. He text me the other night about how him and his buddy were in his buddy's dad's new Vette and it would do 0-100mph in 3 seconds. The Lord is paying me back :D
Tripper at least it's "online" now. I had to go "downtown" back then. :D
Yep... just finished up a 6 hr online defensive driving course for a lil... er... indiscretion. But officer... I swear that other guy was goin' faster than I was! WHY am I gettin' a ticket!?!? :eek::eek::eek:


Musta been the minivan soccer moms again:D
....And at your age... Shame on you.:D[cl

That's what the cop said!

Must be driving that Chevelle again!

Ummm... guilty!

We tried to tell you, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you had to go out and beat every other car on the road, didn't you. [ddd Just to keep you from racking up any more points we are going to have to pick up that Chevelle and store it somewhere for a month or two. The truck will be there in the morning. (leave the keys in the ignition and a full tank of hi test, please) :D:D

it's now under lock & key... now where did I put my handy friend!

Musta been the minivan soccer moms again:D

My 6 months is nearly up... soccer Mom's BEWARE!!! :eek:

I swear that gas petal got stuck!!! I won't say how fast I 'might' have been going but if I had been going just 1 more mph... defensive driving wouldn't have been an option!

Man those Texas cops and judges have no sense of humor

You know the saying, "every job has it's perks" cops don't write cops tickets... at least here.. don't know if I'd count on it in Texas..lol
Sounds like they mean business.... if you ordered to driving school in Mich. you go to driving school....no on-line stuff.... like "going to college in your pajamas"....lol
I once stopped a female lawyer for speeding. I told her I stopped her for doing 53 in a 40. She looked at her speedo, which was now on zero, pointed to it and said, "But I was doing 43?". I asked her to get out of the car and pointed to a van driving down the street. I said, "How fast is that van going?". She looked and said. "35". I pointed my radar gun at it and locked a speed of 34. I showed it to her and said, "So you do know how fast you were going! Lady, you proved one of two things. #1 - You do know how fast you were going and #2 - You proved my radar's working correctly. Why did you tell me 43? She looked sheepest and said, "I was guessing".

I said, "You're a lawyer, isn't a guess as good as a lie? Do you like being lied too?" She said, "I never put myself in your position. It does sound like a lie". So I asked her if she were in my position and someone gave that excuse, what would she do? She said, "I'd write myself a ticket". She actually wrote a letter to my captain saying I was the only officer to prove her wrong and I was a credit to the department. I felt guilty giving her a ticket.......
So you are a police officer Gasser and we never knew it? And Tripper has been been telling us.......ummm never mind :rolleyes:

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