Yep... just finished up a 6 hr online defensive driving course for a lil... er... indiscretion. But officer... I swear that other guy was goin' faster than I was! WHY am I gettin' a ticket!?!?
Yep... just finished up a 6 hr online defensive driving course for a lil... er... indiscretion. But officer... I swear that other guy was goin' faster than I was! WHY am I gettin' a ticket!?!?
....And at your age... Shame on you.[cl
Must be driving that Chevelle again!
We tried to tell you, but nooooooooooooooooooooooooo, you had to go out and beat every other car on the road, didn't you. [ddd Just to keep you from racking up any more points we are going to have to pick up that Chevelle and store it somewhere for a month or two. The truck will be there in the morning. (leave the keys in the ignition and a full tank of hi test, please)
Musta been the minivan soccer moms again