kentucky or 50 mile around.

Rat Rods Rule

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Apr 3, 2008
Louisville ky
Ok we are looking for some good Rat Rods to photographer for our new magazine. If you have one or know anybody around the great state of kentucky. The state with blue blood, Blue Grass, and Blue Balls. We can go out of the state by a few miles. So contact us here or email us soon. [email protected]

We only have 32 pages ever three month to fill. So hopefully we can fit yours or your friends Rat Rod in the Magazine.[ddd[dr
Ok what seems to be the problem?

I see that a lot of people have read this but nobody has left anything? What is wrong? Did I ask or say something wrong. It is sad to see this many men on here and not one say anything.:confused:
I mean it is free.

Is it that we take the pictures for free. Or is it the there is a sexy model by your car the scares you? I just don't get it. We come to you. We take the pictures and print them in our magazine for the world to see. So what is the problem?[S
and i posted it on the biggest mustang club in cincy i think there is a few guys with rats on there
you were , I thought asking for someone to come to you in louisville to get shots taken of their car , it's the middle of winter , most of the rat rods don't have side windows-- mine does'nt anyway . And it's snowing in Alabama . I would love to have my car in a magazine but I also don't want to freeze to death either. I think you will have more responses when the weather is better .
I understand.

Just be calm.
A lot of the users on RRR are scattered around the country, and the world.

I just thought the ones in the USA would want us to come to them. We can drive to most states There is jut two that we might make it to. Also was hoping that people would tell their friends abouts us looking. I mean I have all over the place. [P[;)
Why would I ask that?

you were , I thought asking for someone to come to you in louisville to get shots taken of their car , it's the middle of winter , most of the rat rods don't have side windows-- mine does'nt anyway . And it's snowing in Alabama . I would love to have my car in a magazine but I also don't want to freeze to death either. I think you will have more responses when the weather is better .

I mean why would I ask for you to come to us. That is why we ask for around the the state. Also about the weather. I try in the warm months but guess what. All the guys are at car shows. The car show people don't want us to just take a picture of one car they want us to take pictures of the show. Then also some of the car show groups not naming names but they want money for us taking pictures of your cars at their show. Let me just say the first letter of their names G, W, P,. Don't want them to come and break my knee caps. But the warm months are even hard to get the car guys at home in their garages. So we start now trying to line up things. :) We would love to line something up with you. Where in Alabama are you?
Gregster is in Trussville, Al. I think that is just north of Birmingham

I'm in Montgomery.

If yall set up a shoot I would love to be there to "Meet-n-Greet" with other board members. My "Dark Sarcastic" truck isn't a Rat Rod but by all means if you want to take some pics, You would be more than welcome....

Let me know if you guys get anything nailed down...
Gregster is in Trussville, Al. I think that is just north of Birmingham

I'm in Montgomery.

If yall set up a shoot I would love to be there to "Meet-n-Greet" with other board members. My "Dark Sarcastic" truck isn't a Rat Rod but by all means if you want to take some pics, You would be more than welcome....

Let me know if you guys get anything nailed down...

hey dont forget me!! iam in oneonta!!!
I haven't been on here in a few days didn't mean to snub you. I just read my PM. I live in Brandenburg and would be interested if you put something together. I've been real busy building a new race car and haven't even looked at my truck in a few weeks. I have a 47 ford pickup most would call a ratrod I call it a hotrod (doesn't matter to me). I know there are several of us in the area I believe they must be like me and haven't seen you're post. Contact me any time I'll try to be more available.
Hey Rat Rods and Rust Queens - I've got friends here in Tennessee (within a hour of Nashville) that I can tell to get in touch with you. Between them they've got some really nice rats. I know in another month or so they'll start pulling them out for spring. I also have a friend who is a full time builder who you might like to get in touch with? He's not on here because he just doesn't have the time but he builds a really nice rat rod. Several of his previous builds have been in some huge shows over the past couple of years.

PM me if your interested in knowing more about him?? I don't want to just put his name out there without him knowing but I'm sure he'd be happy to talk to you.

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wish it was sooner

spring is to far away. Once the warm days start I won't be able to get a guy to want to stay home at the garage to do a shoot. The best months to shoot is the cold months. Spring, summer you guy never return phone calls. Your out on the road.:confused:

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