Last week I got a call from the President of a company I've been doing business with since the early 1990's. He called to let me know that after 76 years and 4 generations, Alfred Manufacturing was closing their doors. It seems that due to loosing business to China they'd been in trouble for the past 10 or 15 years and had pretty much leveraged all their assets to keep things a float but finally went belly up. He called me as a favor to let me know that if I wanted all my tooling they'd built for my parts over the years, he could get it all on pallets and onto my truck before the creditors knew what was what. Granted it is tooling I own, he told me the creditors would probably charge me to put it on my truck. So I went down today and loaded up 4 injection molds and 8 progressive metal stamping dies.....that's a heck of a lot of tool steel.
Here's a link about them and a couple of photos below.
Here's a link about them and a couple of photos below.