A *real* tin magnet
The big weekend run for this area. Thousands of cars in Deadwood for the weekend.
Did anyone get pictures? Since my camera and my computer don't play well together anymore, I didn't get any.
There were quite a few ratrods in town. I saw maybe a dozen that I liked and maybe 40 more that were goofy, ill thought out cars.
Hardly any cool vintage engines though. Didn't see a single Olds, Caddy or Hemi. One pretty cool 35 Chevy pickup with fake patina and a gorgeous (albeit overdone) 409.
At the judging area, every single rat was a small block chevy, one chevy 4.3 V6 and one chevy straight six.
Did anyone get pictures? Since my camera and my computer don't play well together anymore, I didn't get any.
There were quite a few ratrods in town. I saw maybe a dozen that I liked and maybe 40 more that were goofy, ill thought out cars.
Hardly any cool vintage engines though. Didn't see a single Olds, Caddy or Hemi. One pretty cool 35 Chevy pickup with fake patina and a gorgeous (albeit overdone) 409.
At the judging area, every single rat was a small block chevy, one chevy 4.3 V6 and one chevy straight six.