Layover at O'hare

Rat Rods Rule

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Busted and Rusted on Route 66
Dec 21, 2007
Edgewood, New Mexico off Route 66
I'm sitting in Chicago O'hare airport with a 5 hour layover. Going to Germany. Man good thing I have my laptop and movies but my azz is going numb, then an 8 hour flight to Frankfurt. I think I arrive there 11 am Saturday. I'm sure my days and times will be messed up for awhile!
Shoulda took a carburetor with you to rebuild. :D What's in Germany? I thought that was a 10 hr flight at least....
messed up time

When you get there dont go to sleep. I know this sounds messed up but if you stay up for 24hrs or untill night time there it will help and try not to sleep on the plain. Yes you will be taost when you get there but it will help to adjust faster.
Flying ain't bad get the movie take up some time, 8 hours do suck sitting in one place that long drinking works for me go figure. Good luck get some pics gotta be some American Iron over there
I think that flight goes "over the top" so you will be over the Arctic Oean much of the time. That's the white, frozen one. Back in the old days wnen I worked for a living I went to Europe and Asia several times. I never worried about the time difference or jet lag. I just carried on.
I've been to Frankfurt for business in Kronburg but never had a chance to see the sights.
Enjoy the trip.
Longest flight I ever took was about 22 hrs. Houston to London to Bahrain to Qatar. It was June and when I stepped off the plane it was 122 degrees and 90% humidity. Misery!!
When I was a manufacturers rep Chicago was part of my territory. I could always fly IN to O'Hare, but whenever it was time to fly home it would always snow so bad my flights were delayed, sometimes for days! :eek: You have no idea how many nights I slept on the floor at that airport. :(

I feel for you bud.

I'm in Landstuhl, Germany.
Very beautiful country. Lot of quaint little villages outside the big cities.





Here's some car pictures for you guys.




What, no Rat Rods?[S:D Cool pics D, hope you're enjoying your trip![cl..CR
Haven't seen any old cars at all. Lots of BMWs, MBs, Opel, Peugots, Renaults, Citrons, VWs, Fords, Hondas, Toyotas, Mazdas. Seen 1 Dodge Hemi pickup, a couple Jeep SUVs, and a few other Mopar products.

Having a great time so far. My wife goes to work tomorrow at the Base. I'm going to Mannheim then Stuttgart.

Thanks for the pix, always love to see what the rest of the world looks like.
Du bist wellcomen. I took 2 years of German in high school 35+ years ago. I'm suprised at what I still remember, like Bier bitte! [dr
I'ya luv da peechures, ya, wunderfuul...[cl (beautiful scenery-not so beautiful cars)

no i don't know any German...i'm now known to be illiterate in 2 languages:rolleyes:

and probably offended people the world over...:eek::eek::D

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