Lonestar Round Up's hit da big time... I guess!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Sadly I wasn't able to take many pictures since my kids showed up & stayed most of the day as well as a bunch of old friends dropping by to visit! It's gotten so big now they're having it open Fri & Sat & was it ever packed! Barry Weiss & Dennis Gage were both crusin' the crowd so I guess the show's finally gettin' the attention it deserves!

Did you see any of the "Dirtys" from Dallas? Since my computer won't let me on the jalopy journal anymore, I have kind of lost track of them. Rusty always used to do a thrash to get a new car ready for the Lone Star.

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