Merry Christmas

Rat Rods Rule

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Rebel Rodder
Apr 1, 2011
Cocoa FL
A Nativity Scene was erected in a church yard.

During the night the folks came across this scene.

An abandoned dog was looking for a comfortable, protected place to sleep.
He chose baby Jesus as his comfort.
No one had the heart to send him away so he was there all night.

That's actually a pretty good looking pup. Hope someone gives him a good home.

There was a story on the news the other day about a dog and a cat that were found running wild in someplace like Arizona. They were just running along together. The authorities took them to a shelter and separated them and the dog started getting so depressed they had to bring his cat buddy back to stay with him. Now they are going to only adopt out the two as a pair. [cl

Animals are just the best.


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