
Rat Rods Rule

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It's just a little surface rust!
Jul 3, 2008
Northern Illinois
Driving in a steep hilly area yesterday and a rear wheel cylinder decides to give up! Thank god for dual chamber master cylinders. Made it home and started repairs. Realized the rear shoes were beat. Off to the parts store for a set of brakes and a wheel cylinder. Went on fairly easy except for the rusted brake line that broke. Off to the parts store again. Line went on easy and I started to bleed the Lines. Told my helper to pump em up. A little too much force and the frame of the drivers seat broke! Get out the mig and make another repair. All in all i guess its not bad for a daily driver that has 315,000 trouble free miles. The only thing I can say is ......thankfully its finally Tuesday!!!!![cl
Some days it doesn't pay to get out of bed!!:D

Those dual master cylinders have been one of the best advancements ever. Years ago I owned a 57 Pontiac with a single chamber m/c on it. I lived on a steep hill and parked right on the street. Came out one morning to go to work, started the engine, put it in gear and the car started going down the hill. At the end of the street was a stop sign intersecting onto a main street. You guess it, no brakes, the fluid had leaked out over night.:eek:

All I could do was flip the wheel hard right and try to make the merge onto the main street. People were slamming on their brakes and blowing horns at me. Luckily, I missed hitting anyone and finally came to rest. From then on I checked for pedal before I ever put it in gear. :eek:

sorry to hear of your bad monday, CR....but if it would make ya feel better i have had a 3 week run of "monday attitude"

wrong parts, reordered parts, waiting on parts, realized i needed more parts, started next part of same project & wrong parts...guess i shouldn't complain too much, at least i can still say it is in my brother's shop & not taking up my space! lol
Yeah, sometimes you eat the bear, and...

sometimes the bear eats you.....I've had a streak of bad luck lately and can't seem to find the end.....this too shall pass......

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