A *real* tin magnet
So, I have this rancher who I do a bit of work for. He knows I look for old tin. Yesterday he called to ask me to work on his wifes Asstrovan. Then he says, "Oh, I found some old cars for you". He was out riding on some strays and came across these, well he always knew they were there but had no interest before. Anyway this is what he said. One car is a rumble seat, the top seems to have gone missing (roadster?) It seems to be all there but the seats are gone and the hood, well it might be around there somewhere, still has the engine. It is different than a Model A, fenders are more swoopy. Then there is some Model As and Model Ts and big piles of fenders and stuff. Now remember all old cars are Model As and Ts to most people so they might be Dodges, Whippets, who knows.
Now the real problem is I can't get in there until it dries up a bit. They live on the end of about 3 miles of badly rutted blue shale road and the ruts are axle dragging deep right now. I might borrow a 4x4 and woller my way in by Sat. or so. And yes I will remember my camera
I have been figuring it was about my turn to find a Ford 3 window coupe as much as I scrounge. Maybe the rumble seat is a 34-35 Ford.
Now the real problem is I can't get in there until it dries up a bit. They live on the end of about 3 miles of badly rutted blue shale road and the ruts are axle dragging deep right now. I might borrow a 4x4 and woller my way in by Sat. or so. And yes I will remember my camera
I have been figuring it was about my turn to find a Ford 3 window coupe as much as I scrounge. Maybe the rumble seat is a 34-35 Ford.