A *real* tin magnet
Been working on it all week off and on. 3 steps ahead and 2 back.
Well, no pictures right now, upload failed for some reason. My main computer quite recognizing my usb so I download on my laptop pain in nthe a**, robbed the batterys for the mouse so I'm trying to paw around on that pad like a sick cat scratching a hole. Frustration swts in and I rob the batterys back from the remote for my mouse and then it won't work anyway. I'm going back to the garage.
Well, no pictures right now, upload failed for some reason. My main computer quite recognizing my usb so I download on my laptop pain in nthe a**, robbed the batterys for the mouse so I'm trying to paw around on that pad like a sick cat scratching a hole. Frustration swts in and I rob the batterys back from the remote for my mouse and then it won't work anyway. I'm going back to the garage.