Mr Skull

Rat Rods Rule

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Fascinated by rolling objects!
Jul 8, 2007
Rimrock AZ
The guy with the ominious sounding name has made 1000 posts here and no one has suffered any permanant emotional scars apparantly. I say well done sir and please continue to post to your hearts content.
FYI The RRR 1000 poster banquet will be held at Tripper's house. Date and time to be announced.:)

l'd like to thank the acadamy and all the little people who made this award possible:rolleyes:

is it a black tie affair[S

The guy with the ominious sounding name has made 1000 posts.........

......and 900 of them have been trying to get me to fill in the cab lights on my Willys :eek:[ddd

Kidding of course Mr. Skull :D I always appreciate your advice/help and look forward to your comments.....proud to have you as an internet "Rat Friend"

Race ya to 2,000 [ddev
Race ya to 2,000

and 900 of them have been trying to get me to fill in the cab lights on my Willys :D

only 850 of'em[ddev

Race ya to 2,000[ddev

ok, l'll spot ya 2 car lenghts:rolleyes:
