Went on a biz trip Wed to Dallas & it felt like I was either trippin' or in the Twlight Zone! It started off when I saw a DeLorean sitting at a light in a small town just north of us. Next I saw the roof of a large house being transported by 18 wheeler. Not a house... only the roof (never seen that B4)! Next I saw an old VDub painted pink as sort of "work of art".. it was also sitting on a pink trailer. Then I went through a small town & outside of a large metal building sat about 10 Studebakers... no telling how many were inside! On my way back I saw a gas station that looked like a big Star Trek Enterprise (sadly no photo). Next I saw a guy who had 7-8 Tri-5 Chev pickups for sale out in front of his shop. Another strange day in paradise!