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Older and more rusted every day!
Staff member
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
I'd been having an intermittent issue with the motor in the Rambler. Sometimes it would start perfectly, sometimes not! Sometimes it ran great, sometimes not! Anyway, I was getting ready for a car show after wrapping up some loose ends & drove into town (15 miles away) as a test drive. On the way, all was fine but on the return it would stop running like it was out of gas after I just filled up. I was actually able to restart it several times & limp back home! I parked in by the house & went inside for a cold one & when I came back it wouldn't start at all. I started from the top, 12V to HEI coil... ck... but no fire to plugs! So after searching the Goog I saw several people say they had experienced HEI ignition module failure! I've been using HEI dizzies for 30-40 years & never experienced such. Luckily I had a spare in the shop... slipped the new one in & BINGO! Learn something new *every* day! Now it runs like a champ & grateful to be back on the road... thank you YouTube!!!

Years ago we discovered that the spark would burn through the rotor in the HEI dist and short to ground under it. Pop the cap off, pop the rotor off and look at the bottom of the rotor for a small burnt spot. Replacing the rotor fixed a lot of them. also, the wires would break off the module under the plate, but the break was inside of the wire's covering. You simply tugged on each wire (you need to test all the wires connected to the module). If the wire was good, it can't break, if it pulls apart, its dead, you replace the module and all is well.

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