new dude from Tulsa

Rat Rods Rule

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New member
Jun 9, 2010
Hey guys, my little intro....

I'm 28, live in Tulsa. I'm getting started on my first rat rod project with a buddy. I know jack squat about mechanics of vehicles, but I'm a pretty good painter. I'm good with lettering, but I'm still trying to find my style of pinstriping flourishes. I really don't want to try to imitate other styles.

Anyhoo, once I can dial in some of that stuff I'll post pics here to get some feedback from the guys I'm trying to appeal to. Eventually I would like to start pimping myself out here to paint on more vehicles.

Looking forward to getting to know some of you guys.
We are just getting started, and he is packing up to move for a new house, so not much progress. That means no pics really. I know it's not as hardcore as some of you guys, but it's an 86 dodge truck that is pretty stripped down. And it will be stripped down even more over this process. We aren't going to do much heavy metal work like chopping it or something. This is a daily driver, so we don't want anything crazy.

We started a facebook group page that will track the progress. Feel free to check it out. we have also done some photoshop mock ups so we can see how things look before we spent time, money and energy getting it done.

check it out if you like...!/group.php?gid=120916751284095

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