next project thoughts

Rat Rods Rule

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''SARCASM: just one of his many talents.''
Apr 12, 2009
wet side, washington state
VENT 0N-----------

l got this problem:

3 projects already going and thinking about 2 more l wanta do when these are done...

does any one have this stuff going on in there life?:confused:

after l finish them l know l should sell one or two to fund the others, but l hate to sell my toys [S

if l have to sell a few, the 66 chevelle and the 52 dodge truck are the ones to go.

aaarrrhhhgggg, l do so need a bigger shop:eek:

VENT 0FF---------------------

l really like this board for categories just for weird questions like l ask sometimes:eek: best place on the 'net:D

Later :cool:
Yep, I have my rpu that I'm getting ready to redo, I want to build a metro, a 4x4 jeepster, finish my wife's 53 dodge, a 49 Plymouth, and other non hotrod projects.
I started thinking this way about that.....I'm fixin' to be 54 years old in a few days. I've probably got more days behind me than ahead. I can't do as much now as I can when I was 24, so it takes longer to do anything. This Lincoln, the wife's Corvette, and the late son's pickup will be as much as I can do, and to get them all to the state I want them in, will take time and money. I don't know how much time I have left, none of us do, but I know how much money I can put aside and use on them, and it has to be stretched as much as possible. Over three projects, one that I haven't even started yet, it takes time to have the money to do things, and it has to be divided up. I figure it will take another year on the Corvette to get it where we want it, and two or three years on the Lincoln. The son's pickup, I don't even have a clue yet. It sits and waits on the others. The Corvette and a pre-48 street rod have always been on the top of my list, so now I have both, it's just a matter of getting them to that point where I can say they are what I wanted them to be. The pickup, I'm just not ready yet, but it's day will come .
My sickness for collecting as many projects as I can has died down a little in recent years. Like Bamamav, I am getting older and have to be realistic. Plus, the energy level to work on them is leaving as well.

But for you young guys, keep getting as many of them as you can. :D

When I was 30, I had 20 project cars and none ever got finished. When I was 35, maybe even more. I could always see some redeeming value and have dreams for every derelict hulk I dragged in. I was close to 50 before I got a grip on reality and started to focus. There will never, ever be a shortage of another project when need, time, energy and resources are available for one. 2 is plenty, one in process and another in parts accumulation stage, for me anyway. Any more than 5 and you might have some OCD hoarder thing going on, or some real empty spot in your life that you are trying to fill with junk.
I know how it is Skull, I think Ive bitten off more than I can chew.My problem is I kept running into such good deals.I know I can sell stuff for more than I paid for it ,if I have to,but I really want to keep everything.Another problem I got is that I dont have a wife to keep me straight.Im free to do crazy stuff whenever I want to. My projects,49 Dodge tk,48Diamond T,37 Packard,47 Jeep tk+my 2 daily drivers 2008 chevy tk+69 Chevy tk..Sometimes I feel like I should call Dr.Phil for some help

Here's a part of the vintage tin I hauled home last year. As many of you know, I'm currently building a highly messed up '28 Reo. When that is done, I'll go to this pile and pick out the beginnings of the next project. There's about 5 projects piled up but only a few hundred bucks invested.
'28 Studebaker 4 door to become a tub.
'29 Chevy truck cowl and cab corners to become a RPU.
'30 Chevy truck cowl and quarter panels to become a Gow Job.
'28 Hupmobile cowl to become a roadster/bucket.
300 cu in Ford six to become a front engine late '50's style dragster

Shortly, I'll be getting an early 60's Land Rover, unless something interferes, to build into an almost daily driver.

I only work on one at a time but collect parts for the others when they can be had at very favorable prices. Takes me about a year to build a hot rod in the style and finish that appeals to me. Since I'm only 71 1/2 I've got lots of time to finish these projects.
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I'd never sleep if I had more than one major project... I find it hard to sleep with just one, and the rest of life to think about....

I get 4-6 hours of sleep during the week... thats about all I can muster, unless I kick my own butt working on the truck..
I know how it is Skull, I think Ive bitten off more than I can chew.My problem is I kept running into such good deals.I know I can sell stuff for more than I paid for it ,if I have to,but I really want to keep everything.Another problem I got is that I dont have a wife to keep me straight.Im free to do crazy stuff whenever I want to. My projects,49 Dodge tk,48Diamond T,37 Packard,47 Jeep tk+my 2 daily drivers 2008 chevy tk+69 Chevy tk..Sometimes I feel like I should call Dr.Phil for some help

I always find deals too. But I discovered that what I love is the hunt, way more than the clutter. So I buy all I can and make pretty good money by selling most of it.

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