ok stripped the carb down and found this.... thats a surprise i thought !! careffully straightened and smoothed the ever so small burr on the end ..
fitted new accerator pump, blew out all the galleries i could find, and issued new gaskets
the only thing i didnt like is one linkage on the accerator side floats partially goverened by the choke butterfly seemed to lock in place not allowing the secondaries to open fully (edelbrock 1403) and current linkage assy doesnt allow full opening anyway ..
after checking resistance on all leads and plugs, will buy new of these and fit as some were equal or slightly higher that max recommended. then i can set idle -- re plugs leads etc,, i had really thought they wouldnt be the issue due to their young age ( way less than 5000 miles ) must be budget copies of once well made stuff....
i had thought over the last few months the car seemed a bit slower overall thinking a trip away will give a good clean out ...
todays test drive saw a vast improvement and infact scared myself a little when a corner arrived far quicker than i had expected ... some forcefully gentle but "ooohhhh my thats really close" braking saved me - you may like to insert more colorful words ..
stay tuned for more on the errant Stude
sigh it may turn out to be a good weekend after all ...