Ok, Gastrick....what's up??

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
If I have missed your updates, please forgive me, but what is the latest on your 34 retirement project? You've been retired for a while now, the lawn looks nice, your laundry is all caught up, so you MUST have had some time to do some work on it. :D

If there is a build thread, please give me the link. :)

Here I am. I've had a couple of things to deal with over the past couple of weeks, including a nasty computer virus and a health issue. It will take me a little bit to come up to speed.
Did you catch your virus from the computer??????? (sorry, couldn't stop myself) :rolleyes: Hope you are feeling better now. Thanks for letting us know you are ok, hadn't heard from you for a while. If you are like me, I have less time now that I am retired than when I was working full time. :confused:

Now get back to work and give us some updates on that retirement hot rod. :D

Did you catch your virus from the computer??????? (sorry, couldn't stop myself) :rolleyes: Hope you are feeling better now. Thanks for letting us know you are ok, hadn't heard from you for a while. If you are like me, I have less time now that I am retired than when I was working full time. :confused:

Now get back to work and give us some updates on that retirement hot rod. :D


i thought the same thing about catching the virus from his computer! lol [cl:D
and you guys and your busy retirements makes me think ill just work forever...and then when i see our family's bills, i'm sure i will!

i think the general consensus of the RRR is that gastrick needs to get started on that build....;)[P[;)

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