Years ago we lived in Pennsylvania and my then Wife was an RN. She worked with another nurse who lived on 27 acres in the mountains, her home only accessible by 4 wheel drive Jeep, and even that wouldn't get all the way up the driveway in winter.
Anyway, they invited us to their home one time and the Husband and I started talking hunting (they had a shooting stand on their porch and nailed deer from it at times) and also guns. He took me upstairs of their home and told me NEVER tell anyone what I was about to see. He then hit one section of paneling on the wall and it fell open and the 4 foot section was lined with rifles. He continued opening sections and every one was packed with more rifles. There must have been 300 of them in there, all types and of all ages.
Turns out he was a serious gun collector and he did the wall thing to keep them safe. He told me his fear was that if word got out he and his Wife would be in danger from people who would come in and try to steal them. The only reason I am telling the story now is because they have since retired and moved somewhere else.
We also got to shoot some competition match .45's that night and they were the most accurate pistol I have ever shot.