OK u gun freaks!!! .50 cal sniper rifle!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
They're havin' a show on the Military channel right now about sniper rifles. My fav is the .50 caliber Barrett sniper rifle. It has the longest distance kill on record... over 1 1/2 miles! DUDES... that's a long shot. They say it really scares the enemy because seeing a human being get hit by one is unbelievably scary. My buddy's friend has one he uses to deer hunt with. I've held it & let me tell you... it's a hell of a weapon! The bullet is enough to scare you to death. If you hit a deer with it... there's really no sense in trying to find it... cause there ain't much left!!!

Read the book: Marine Sniper by Charles Henderson
Also: Master Sniper by Stephen Hunter

Like their weapons, snipers are very special.
I went to a gun range one night with some friends, and one of them has a .50 caliber rifle that some guy custom makes out of a helicopter machine gun. When he fired it you could feel the percussion 30 feet away. He told me to try it out (it sits on a tripod) and when I fired it I left out every expletive I knew!:eek: It was like BOOM..........Holy ****, D***, etc.:D The shells are like 6 inches long. When he shot something it just disappeared. :D

I recently added this .50 cal Desert Eagele to my arsenal [ddev

Nice, that looks like a cross between a Colt and a Berreta.

Years ago we lived in Pennsylvania and my then Wife was an RN. She worked with another nurse who lived on 27 acres in the mountains, her home only accessible by 4 wheel drive Jeep, and even that wouldn't get all the way up the driveway in winter.

Anyway, they invited us to their home one time and the Husband and I started talking hunting (they had a shooting stand on their porch and nailed deer from it at times) and also guns. He took me upstairs of their home and told me NEVER tell anyone what I was about to see. He then hit one section of paneling on the wall and it fell open and the 4 foot section was lined with rifles. He continued opening sections and every one was packed with more rifles. There must have been 300 of them in there, all types and of all ages.

Turns out he was a serious gun collector and he did the wall thing to keep them safe. He told me his fear was that if word got out he and his Wife would be in danger from people who would come in and try to steal them. The only reason I am telling the story now is because they have since retired and moved somewhere else.

We also got to shoot some competition match .45's that night and they were the most accurate pistol I have ever shot.

Here is my EDC gear Glock22 with Andrews Leather

And here is a picture of my Wife's SW649 .357

I am saving for an AR-10 and some good optics along with suppressor.(Legal in Georgia)
TiredIronGRB pretty much dominated this thread. Unless someone here owns a nuclear bomb, he can't be topped.

Very nice! :)
lmao -- thats just PART of dmw's scrap metal pile -- does he also lives in a missile silo ??

heres just a couple of mine.



sorry the pictures are blurry -- i dont take care of my phone at all.

i knew a guy that lived in houston that his entire 3rd floor of his house (he was super rich) was just guns of all kinds --- the walls were actually just gun cabinets -- and there were gun cabinets in rows and stuff -- like it was a firearm museum -- it was neat -- that floor locked down like fort knox.
The Barret 50 rocks. I have watched a couple shows on tv about them and one on snipers. The guy who did the mile and a half shot was on there, very humble dude.
One of my best friends is a gun nut. He owns hunderds and does some of his own gunsmithing since he owns his own machine shop business. He built a 50 using some military machine gun barrell. I haven't heard him shoot it but when he test fired it at his shop, the poor old vietnam PTSS dude across the road went into shock. It weighs 32 pounds. Recently he has been converting Savage model 340s into 5.45x39 Russian. It is the equivilent of a .223 but ammo is dirt cheap.
I've got a brand new Sharps 45-70 that I bought myself for Christmas and I have't even got out to shoot it yet. I did pick up a cleaning kit this week so I can shoot that cheap Black Hills ammo.
M y son is in his final days of basic training, his last letter he told me that he was able to shoot a 50 cal. rifle on the range and said that the ground shook when it fired and he would probably have wood untilhe was at least 28 years old. Thought I would laugh myself silly reading his letter. Too Funny!!

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