One Grand

Rat Rods Rule

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Seems alot of the guys who came on did not stay, but the ones who did seem to be great bunch of guys. No drama here. It also says alot for the guys who have been here, not to have their feathers ruffled by the influx of people. There are sites that have thousands of memebers, where you come on, and are lucky if one person says "welcome to the site". (my fingers type that on auto pilot now)
Congrats RRR. Word is getting out. This is the best forum to be on. Never seen another one with such a great group of guys. Everybody just gets it. Nobody ever has anything negative to say. Hope it stays this way, I'm sure it will.
Bonehead said something I have been thinking myself.............all of the people who have joined recently are great folks, and also the members that were here have been very gracious about welcoming each and every new one. With a large influx sometimes an introduction will be missed, but not you guys, you have been right on them. Why am I not's just what I would have expected from each and every one of you, knowing how each of you are.

I know in the past we have had a bunch of people who came aboard solely for the reason of raising h*** with us, thinking we are fair game or something. That hasn't happened at all this time and all of the new members seem to be settling in and contributing a lot to the forum. It sure is more fun when there are a lot of discussions going on at one time.

Poor Tripper has to be getting a little sleepy about now though, I would suspect. :D:D:D

it's great this place has been growing as much as it has. i have to admit i've given up on welcoming lately. just way too many, i'm not as dedicated as you bonehead :p. I figure i will see them at one point or another throughout the board.
A friendly meeting place

I am glad that I found this site. The attitude on this board is pleasure to see. Many other boards have a "I'm Bad" sense about them. Reminds me of my days in high school. Some people never change from their bad habits. Grow up and see what life is realy about. If you keep this board as it is now. It will grow and set a standard for others to follow. A bad attitude is not required to build a rat rod or any other car. Thanks Tripper for your friendly meeting place. A place for friends to exchange ideas about cars and other related subjects. Just a newbie saying thanks.
I disagree ,this forum is terrible ,people always cussin and rampin and flamin and stuff....hahahahahahah.
I looked for a long time before i settled here,its a great site with great people and lots of info .the kb has a lote of info and so does the hamb but their a little too compeditive for my tast [i dont understand why ?],i guess i'm not the compeditive typ.
Hope things stay this way for this sight.
sorry about the spelling ,my wife gives me heck all the time !:rolleyes:
Nothing to prove!!!

Yep, the last influx was quite a rush & as usual... some people will hang around & some won't. This is just my opinion, really more like an observation... it seems to me that most people that hang out here have nothing to prove so to speak. People here are very accepting & let their work & actions do their talking & are willing to help others! That is what I think the sport is really all about. Putting someone else down... never helps you up! It's been a great year & hard to believe it's gone by so fast & that I'm not driving my truck yet! I just wish we had 48 hours in a day like Don, Gastrick, the Poor Boys & the rest of those east coasters do... here in Tejas we only have 24 hours in a day & it makes it really hard to get anything done!!! ; - >

Ya know the amazing thing is with the sudden influx of new and welcomed folks, The Vaporizer hasn't been used once, to my knowledge. Goes to show the quality and maturity level of those joing. Nice to have each and every one.
Dat's correct!

The Vaporizer hasn't been used once, to my knowledge. Goes to show the quality and maturity level of those joing. Nice to have each and every one.

That is correct Mr. Dog! There were a few small edits but no vaporizations! I'm glad too because it makes such a stink and we usually have to call in a Haz Mat team to clean things up!

Rat Rod Mod
know whatcha mean the last big one I had to sterilize my desk.

Yeah... that stinky slime got on the old Daytripper & actually ate the rust right off in some spots & made it shiny again! Took months to get it back rusted & every now & then I still get a little wiff of that stench hangin' around! :D:D:D


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