Drives the Batmobile... er... Ratmobile!
So, I'm driving home from taking my daughter to the doctor tonight and I see this guy in the car ahead heading for my lane. He crosses the yellow lines and heads right for me. I slow down and get off the side of the road and catch a pile of snow. Well that sends me sliding back and forth and finally to an abrupt stop in the ditch! The guy never even stopped. Didn't come back to see if we were ok, nothing! Anyway, a passer by stops a few minutes later to see if everything is ok. He says his friend lives up the street and can pull me out with his truck. A couple minutes later, he shows up and yanks me out. Great guys, wouldn't let me give him a cent. Good thing is nobody was hurt, except for the old DD. Shes a little banged up. My daughter says, "that was fun daddy, i thought the car was gonna tip over."