A *real* tin magnet
Here's some pictures of the 4 junkers I acquired yesterday.
Also found this at the place I got the parts cars. It hasn't flown in maybe 20 years.
I love the 58 2 door post. If the 1/4 panel wasn't wonked in I would keep this car whole and try to find a front clip. It has the coolest ribbed roof, make a great insert to fill a roof on something.AAAAHHHHHHHHHH junk! A '58 Ford was a pretty ungainly looking thing when it was new but i saw a tudor like that at a rockabilly carshow Saturday night that i liked better than anything else there. Raised a little all around in poorboy gasser style with no hood or front bumper. A big ol' MEL in place of the y block.
Yep, the more you guys out in the midwest post these pictures the more we officially hate you. Those bodies would be considered mint down here.