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Rat Rods Rule

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Active member
Jan 11, 2014
not a build, not much of a before/after...just getting some ugly out of it (I know I'm repeating myself w/ a bit from my intro thread):

1972, the week it was titled (mom, dad, bro, me):


My dad & nephew the day it was brought back home a few years ago:


Backstory: My dad handbuilt this car, frame-up, from plans that ran a few months in Car Craft in the late 60's. It was built/titled in '71-'72 & nearly immediately sold. He tried a few times as I was growing up to buy it back w/ no luck. The owner had passed a few years back & my dad found that they guy's nephew (I believe) now owned it. He called him, again w/ no luck, but then the guy called him back some weeks later & said it wasn't for sale, but if HE wanted it since he built it, he'd sell. It was apparently thrown together for a quick sale when he picked it up. The cross-ram intake gone, as well as the slot wheels...the windshield as well as mirrors were all decoratively etched w/ designs popular in the '70's. Drugs are bad, mmmkay?

My dad started working on it in the last year or so, replaced the front axle, glass, a couple odds/ends...was quickly finding (half-assed) things that he was not happy with & also finding that he couldn't get in/out like he used to. He became angry/frustrated & wanted to sell. Now, this made me angry. I told him to put it away, not to do anything else to it & I'll buy it. He gave it to me last year, I'm not letting it get away again. I've slowly been plugging away at making it the way I want it.

Pics from this weekend, just about buttoned up for summer...




283 w/ Powerglide:


& because hungry...


I have baby moons for the wheels, will be on later this week. I'm adding a fuel pressure reg & need to finish the fuel line for the addition, but otherwise done for now.
Very cool looking bucket. It looks usable compared to the ones with huge tires in the back and motorcycle tires in the front.
It looks usable compared to the ones with huge tires in the back and motorcycle tires in the front.

ugh, I can't stand fad T's.

That's the direction my dad wanted to go w/ it and another reason I told him to put it away & stop working on it. I didn't want him spending money on something I'd end up changing. He wasn't too happy w/ my choice of wheels/tires, but now that he sees how it's coming together, I think it's growing on him.

The backstory is kinda neato & I take great pride when someone asks if I built it..."I didn't, but my dad did". I think I was more disappointed each time he'd ask to buy it back & get turned down than he was.

Thanks for the compliments, guys!

:)short video
I first fell in love with T-buckets like many of my generation from watching 77 Sunset Strip and seeing the "kookie" T. Then came T.V. Tommy Ivoe's T-bucket and I was hooked for sure.
I always intended to build one some day but now I have some of the same issue's as your dad. Who knows...
Your latest version of your dad's T is right on the money. Keep up the great story and drive the snot out of it.
Nice car, I like both versions. I have a set of those turbine wheels in storage, just waiting on them to come back in style.....:D
Awesome car and even better story! I like the direction you've taken it. Everything is just right!

BTW, a friend of mine lived near that restaurant and I've always wanted to go. Will have to make it up there one day and go.
Thanks for the kind words, everyone. As confident as I am w/ the direction I've taken, it's always nice to hear.

I first fell in love with T-buckets like many of my generation from watching 77 Sunset Strip and seeing the "kookie" T. Then came T.V. Tommy Ivoe's T-bucket and I was hooked for sure.

Both are very good reasons to be hooked! The definitive T Bucket builders.

There's always options, like swinging doors & side steps to get into one. I'd remove these steps, but I'm only 5' tall & unfortunately, I kinda need them...so, I have to take a small loss on coolness points.

I have a set of those turbine wheels in storage, just waiting on them to come back in style.....:D

Ha! Don't hold your breath ;)
I think these are going on an S-10 for a while.

Awesome car and even better story! I like the direction you've taken it. Everything is just right!

BTW, a friend of mine lived near that restaurant and I've always wanted to go. Will have to make it up there one day and go.

This is the original SQL in Sharon, PA...they are all over the damn place now, but this one will always be my favorite. Heck, let me know if you ever get back up this way!
I like buckets too

Our family has had 2 T buckets.
My cousin harold build first one back in 69.He won a few trophys with it at the old Cloumbus County Dragstrip in Chadbourn N.C.
It was sold when he got married.
Another cousin Named larry built one in the early 80,s
We did a lot of cruising on ocean boulevard with it before it was sold about 1986.
They both had the beer keg gas tanks and slotted mag wheels.
I really like T buckets.
Yours looks great![dr
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