''SARCASM: just one of his many talents.''
time for a carb change- cruise at 7Omph [cl no lag or bog and no problem till the edlebrock 625 died, it needs rebuilt but worked on the 2 barrel intake conversion l reversed engineered really well..[cl - l got a predator 6OOO series l am rebuilding to put on her.
with the variable venturi design of the Predator carburetor it allows it to work strictly off of the air demand of the engine and meters fuel in a direct relationship to that demand.
will it work 0K with the TBl 2 barrel intake or ?????[S[S[S
been having a blast driving her till the carb took a dump--
guess l will try the 6OOO and if it don't work l got 6OO holley [P
with the variable venturi design of the Predator carburetor it allows it to work strictly off of the air demand of the engine and meters fuel in a direct relationship to that demand.
will it work 0K with the TBl 2 barrel intake or ?????[S[S[S
been having a blast driving her till the carb took a dump--
guess l will try the 6OOO and if it don't work l got 6OO holley [P