It is also recomended, that after you have ground off the head of the cariage bolt and welded it to the bumper,(make sure the bolt lines up with the brackets) take a large washer and put it over the now welded stud and weld that to the inside of the bumper around the stud and bumper to prevent any stress cracks
Oh and if you are narrowing or modifying the bumper and having it rechromed, the chrome shop should clean the bumper first and the should do your weld grinding for you. My chrome shop cleans(dechromed) the parts first, then I mock up what I want, make all the pieces and give it back to them, they then grind the bumper and the pieces smooth,(much easier for them to work on small pieces than the big bumper) then I get it back and weld it together, then back to the chrome shop for smoothing and filling, copper tanked, then back to me for final fitment(only nescessary if the gaps are really tight, edge build up ect.) then back to the chrome shop for final chrome, long process, but worth it and the prefered method, chrome prices have sky rocketed so you only want to do it once
good luck
and don't warp the sh*t out of the metal when welding, harder to fix and will cost MORE!!!!