Small electrical problem... ideas?!?

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Ok... I admit I know nothin' about wiring & electronics. I got my Ranchero running & now when I try to start it... all elec goes dead. The battery is fully charged (I also used another battery I know is good). I can disconnect the battery & reconnect & every thing works... lights etc. Hit the starter... one click & all elec dies. Anyone?!?

Thanks in advance,
I'm not the best on electrical either but I have had a situation where a fusible link was giving me trouble such as you have described!! Also had a loose connection on the starter solenoid that gave me the same thing.

Hope I helped a little anyway!! :D
Yep, sounds like a failing connection somewhere on your main cables. Check your NEG battery cable and connections for good contact also. It will often still check out good when tested for continuity, but will fail when putting the heavy load of the starter on it.

As an example: That will happen when the post is dirty and the clamp is not tight - power to all, until the starter takes a big draw and everything goes off.
Got it!

Well... I got it. Cleaned off all connections... they needed it anyway! Same thing... no go! I didn't like where the ground was connected so I changed that & vola... started right up. I normally replace all the components & that still doesn't fix it so I'm glad it was this simple & I didn't have to lay out any coin! Thanks!!!

On a ford it could be one of three things. The starter, the Starter solenoid or ground.

Try disconnecting the wire from the solenoid to the starter. If the problem goes away its the starter. Either the drive to stuck or the starter grounded out.

If not change the soleniod. If you still have the problem start looking for a bad ground. Start with the battery ground to the motor then the ground strap from the motor to the body/frame.

All those I had one were the Pos. cable was bad inside the casing.

Also on a Ford the cable need to be clean a tight on the battery.

allways start with a fully charged GOOD battery. check for clean tight connections at the battery & where those cables connect frame.starter,etc.
avoid cables that attatch to battery with bolt on ends, they are really
only good for TEMPORARY uses. they can always be a source of problems.
MANY service calls have been made for those kinds of bad connections.
Bad grounds

Many years ago, when cars still had carbs and points and condensors, I worked as a mechanic while I went to school. I can't tell you how many cars I saw that had bad grounds! They used to have a ground cable that went from the back of the engine to the body, then the battery ground would go to the engine somewhere. The ground cable to the body would break, then gauges would go haywire, lights would quit, etc. I always like to ground the engine, then run a cable from the engine ground to the body somewhere near the battery, where it is visible. I have seen cars burn up clutch cables when the ground strap broke, the clutch cable was acting as the ground for the starter.
The body ground does not have to be a huge cable, a piece of #10 stranded is fine. Use a nut and bold and a star washer and go through a body tab, don't rely on a screw. Screws come loose. Simple little thing can help so much!

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