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Well-known member
May 11, 2007
fort myers florida
I saw this thread on the HAMB, and regardless of how some may feel about that forum this particular thread should be seen by anyone who builds cars or is thinking about building cars. It shows the logical and professional manner in which a pro shop plans and executes a car build. It goes from the initial mock up to an almost done car.

We may not have all of the fancy schmancy equipment they have, but similar results can be had with what we have if we just take the time and caring to do good work. By reading the updates from the Hot Rod Shop that is building this car you can get a little glimpse into the mindset of the builders. I learned a lot from reading it and hoped some of it would be helpful to my buddies on here, whether they are seasoned builders or planning that first car.

I PM'd the author of the thread and told him that I was going to post that link elsewhere........normally I just steal ideas, but I have made a New Year's resolution to be a better boy in 2009. :D:D:D Hope you all enjoy this thread as much as I did. Oh, and I hope Tripper doesn't mind me posting a link to another forum.


Thanks, Don..
That is some first class fab work, appreciate the link.
Now, about the "better boy" part...:rolleyes: '22
ive been following that since the beginng. they do some great work. i figured after seeing backseat betty that this car would be nuts as well!

That's a really kool thread but he kinda skipped some of the stuff in the middle. One thing I'd love to have is a kool frame table/jig like that... maybe one day!!! :D:D:D

Awesome build and equally great information. Thanks Don! I'm not a big fan of Custom Chassis & Cycle (that's another story) but great information anyway.

I have also been following The Lucky Strike Build.Hot Rod Chassis is making a dream come true for a father and Son build that he just cant undertake at the moment.

That is some of the best fab work that you can get.Its going to look Traditional on the outside and be Drag Strip Ready On The Inside.

Dad actually was messin around with giving the kid his 29 and keeping the new one for himself.

But I dont think thats goin to happen.

God Bless Dads That Can Do Something Like This For There Kids.

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