Sorry I've been absent.....

Rat Rods Rule

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Older, Wiser and Still Buildin'
Dec 28, 2010
S.E. Michigan
Been getting the crap kicked out of us at the PD... haven't had time to do squat let alone post..... going to be a long hot summer......sorry for being AWOL.... tried to log on several times got called out immediately.... not sure what's going on.....[S
Glad you checked in, i was starting to have disparaging thoughts about your sincerity Sarge :rolleyes::D
You it goes patrol first, then arrests, the posting on RRR, then craigslist, THEN the reports get done! This is what I have learned from my FTO!:D

I'm right there with you. I am working one 10 hr shift per week. I have averaged 1 AR, 4 OF's, 2 - 4 citations, 9 - 13 calls for service and about 15 car stops per shift. so I am sliding in on sunday night after the family is in bed to finish reports. Nice to be 1 mile from the PD!
My biggest problem is I live less than a mile from the dept.

You it goes patrol first, then arrests, the posting on RRR, then craigslist, THEN the reports get done! This is what I have learned from my FTO!:D

I'm right there with you. I am working one 10 hr shift per week. I have averaged 1 AR, 4 OF's, 2 - 4 citations, 9 - 13 calls for service and about 15 car stops per shift. so I am sliding in on sunday night after the family is in bed to finish reports. Nice to be 1 mile from the PD!

we are a small dept.... 9 full time, 6 part time..... Me and the Chief are the command staff.... I (we) are on call 24-7.... I get paid call in but difficult to get anything done as bad as the complaints have been.... Felony Ag Assault w/motor vehicle, 10 (yep) 10 Domestic Assaults in 3 days.... not to mention the accidents, larceny from motor vehicles and UDAA (car thefts) and home invasions....The damn town is going to heck in a handbasket! When I got started here we handled 900 calls for service a it's nearly 10,000not counting traffic cites, or AOD's.... When I started we had 6 full time and 5part time officers.... basic math would say we are under staffed.... I think the city mothers and fathers are hoping it goes away.....yeah.... that'll happen.... we are 35 miles north of Detroit and 15 south of Port Huron.... both are falling apart and the cities in the middle are taking a beating..... and what is being cut? Police Services... State, County and local are all having lay-offs... thank God we are not..... (at least this budget year) but we are pulling our hair out.....again....I ramble....sorry.. and Thanks for the encouragement will see if I can get a video or two to post.... maybe I can get a link set up you can get too.....I love it....Crime waits for no man!!![cl
Out here, we have about 2000 residents per officer. I heard New York has 200 residents per officer. They must have a STRONG UNION. We are so short handed, they piled the work of 6 detectives on me and took away my mileage allowance so I retired. Life is bless now...........
It always burns me when a city wants to raise taxes, they threaten that they'll have to cut police or fireman jobs if it doesn't pass. But then turn around and budget a million or so $$$ for flowerpots and the like in the same council meeting!

Several years ago the police chief was elected mayor here. The city council hated him, and even the new police chief hated him, but crime was lower during that time and for a long time after - coincidence? I think not.
My Understanding is

Out here, we have about 2000 residents per officer. I heard New York has 200 residents per officer. They must have a STRONG UNION. We are so short handed, they piled the work of 6 detectives on me and took away my mileage allowance so I retired. Life is bless now...........

that by FBI standards you should have 2 officers per 1,000 of population... not sure if that still applies but haven't seen it except in large cities....
Good for you that you didn't let them bully you..... 1 guy doing 6 guys work... impossible.....unless you do crappy work......which I'm sure your ethics wouldn't allow you to do....I have handed off the investigations to a rotation of officers.... they work it for 3 years and then we put in another officer.. gives them a taste of what it takes..... I'm sure that your dept. handled a ton more investigations than ours but personnel wise, we are jumping thru hoops to keep up.... the investigator is one busy young lady.... good thing is that we (command) make the officers do a lot of follow up so that they sort of prep themselves for their turn in investigations... has worked well so far and the chief and I oversee what's going on....last officer had a whole new perspective of what it takes to work the DB....

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