Here's some exciting news!
In a previous post I mentioned finding a 54 Ford f100 bed / trailer conversion in really good shape not far from my house. Well after a week and a half of waiting on the guy to make up his mind I decided to stop by to see if he was ready to talk price. I just about passed out when he said he'd take $600.00 cash for it!!!

I told him there was no way I would or could pay that much for it when I only paid $300.00 for my cab. Of course he tried to tell me how hard they are to find, blah, blah, blah..... and that on Ebay they go for $600 - $800 and again, blah, blah, blah!!! I decided we weren't going anywhere with this and mentioned that my $250.00 offer was fair in my opinion. So I started to leave his shop and I told him he'd have to come off that $600.00 a lot if he really wanted to sell it.
I also said those prices might be true on E-bay but this was Nashville and these beds start at $200 and go up to about $300 for one in really good shape!!

I said my final goodbye and I was out the door and headed for my truck and the next thing I hear is, "how's $300.00 sound?" I stopped and thought about it for a second and although I should have probably ignored him and left - I REALLY want the bed so I said ok, you got a deal!

I'm picking it up on Friday! $300 is more than I wanted to spend but It's a good straight bed with a nice tailgate and $300 beats $600.00 any day!! I'll snap some pics of it over the next couple of days and get them posted for you guys.