Stolen Car Alert

Rat Rods Rule

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A really rusty biker
May 11, 2007
Unwet side of Washington
This was on another site I drop by. The car was in Rancho Cordova CA.

My 55 studebaker president was stolen!!!!
Please be on the watch for a green and white 55 president-4 door that was stolen right out of my garage wed or thur night (july 27 or 28th) i have a police report filed and we hope it turns up soon. But if anyone knows anyone who might have seen it or ends up for sale..please call or email me. There is a reward offered too!
This used to be stan hanenkratts car for anyone who knows him..
you can call me too if you see or anyone trys to sell this car to you


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This is getting REALLY BAD!!!!!!:mad: We won't even go to an out of town event any more and sleep in a hotel like we used to. Cars are being stolen left and right from hotel parking lots, garages, homes, etc.

Very upsetting everytime I hear of one.

Wow, hard to believe someone would steal an unusual car like that. It could never be seen in public again without drawing attention.

I have herd that they get then to the port and have them shipped over seas. It what I herd not sure if it true or not.
I think it was 60 Minutes or 20/20 that did a segment one time on cars that were being stolen in California. Most were high end SUV's and stuff like that. They tracked some into Mexico where they were being driven around with the original California plates still on them. Guess who were the drivers/new owners............Mexican Government Officials ! :eek: They approached a few of these Officials and asked them if they knew their car was stolen across the border, and they either denied knowing anything or ran for cover.


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