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Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2011
We've all did stupid things in life but my budy screwed up big last night. He purchased a new motorcycle yesterday and decided to ride it before getting his permit. Well when a cop tried to pull him over for speeding he tried to out run them. He didn't make it far. He left the road at over 100mph and went air born into a woods. The only way they found him was the motorcycle headlight managed to stay on. In the initial impact he tried to use his hands to catch himself. Both of his arms are destroyed, his shoulder is smashed to the point that it punctured his lung. He also broke one leg in a couple places. His face is also screwed up pretty bad. His lip is almost ripped off along with several other lacerations.

The good news is he's alive.
Always amazes me when somebody does this....

Worst case he got a cite for no cycle endorsement or possibly the bike nearly kill yourself over a citation?? It's just beyond my comprehension why they run....I'm sorry to hear that happened....hope he recovers ok.....I just don't get it....I tell my officers that if it gets crazy, discontinue the pursuit....not worth it unless the guy killed somebody or committed some other heinous crime.....because this is normally the outcome...somebody gets hurt or killed....over basically nothing.... [S
I have no idea why he ran nor does he. He can't remember anything. Just a decision made in a panic, I guess.
Gotta wonder why being stopped caused a panic...

I have no idea why he ran nor does he. He can't remember anything. Just a decision made in a panic, I guess.

As a kid I did some pretty stupid stuff....some of the cops in my area knew me pretty I was always driving stuff I'd buy and didn't have a license....couldn't at I did hide from a few after I knew they were turning around around on me....but if they found me, then the jig was know things have changed a ton....but what drives a person to run from the police over such dumb stuff is beyond me...I sincerely hope your friend heals up....and to add insult to injury..the bike is fubar too....I've had 2 pursuits that ended in somebody wrecking....the last one resulted in a damaged patrol unit and me with a busted up knee....the other was a ditch it and run thru the cornfield.....he too got caught...went from a suspended ops to a felony flee and elude...over a suspended license...just doesn't make sense....lousy 90 day misdemeanor....
Here's the bike.

As a kid I did some pretty stupid stuff....some of the cops in my area knew me pretty I was always driving stuff I'd buy and didn't have a license....couldn't at I did hide from a few after I knew they were turning around around on me....but if they found me, then the jig was know things have changed a ton....but what drives a person to run from the police over such dumb stuff is beyond me...I sincerely hope your friend heals up....and to add insult to injury..the bike is fubar too....I've had 2 pursuits that ended in somebody wrecking....the last one resulted in a damaged patrol unit and me with a busted up knee....the other was a ditch it and run thru the cornfield.....he too got caught...went from a suspended ops to a felony flee and elude...over a suspended license...just doesn't make sense....lousy 90 day misdemeanor....

Ya I have no idea why he ran. He is a straight up guy and usually don't cause any problems. He must of just thought it would be easy to get away on a fast bike.
That won't buff out. ^^^^

School of hard knocks. Tough way to learn a lesson. (I'm not trying to make light of the situation and I hope your friend comes out of it OK.)

If you don't mind 21, I'll share a local tale...

Some kids I knew in high school were struck by a pursuit vehicle... one killed, three with serious injuries. (Including the officer if I'm not mistaken.) The "runner" had no reason to run, except to see if he could beat the law with his driving "skills". The case was instrumental in the decision to terminate high speed pursuits within city limits. (A wise decision in my opinion, but some people see it as a free-for-all).

Where was I going with this? Oh yeah... I understand every red-blooded male has fantasies of outrunning the law. Unfortunately, life is not a movie and some people have paid the heavy price of admission.

Again, I hope your friend makes out OK.

Even though he brought it on himself, I hope your friend recovers ok and has learned a lesson. Some people on motorcycles give such a bad rap to the ones who obey the laws and drive sensibly. We have all seen so many bikers doing way over the speed limit, almost daring some cop to try to catch them.

One night Dan and I were at home and we heard two motorcycles revving their engines ridiculously outside our apartment, it was about 11oclock. We ran out to confront them and one bike took off at high speed through the parking lot, but we grabbed the other guy. He said it was the other guy making all the noise but we chewed him out and left him go.

Right after that the first motorcycle blew through a toll booth at a bridge about a mile from our home at over 100 mph .He hit the side of the bridge and flew over the railing into the river. It was the first motorcycle guy we tried to catch, and he died at the scene. His buddy saw what happened and left the scene of the accident because he was evidently drinking and wanted no parts of it.

What I really hate to see in one of those crotch rockets weaving through traffic at high speed with some young girl hanging on the back. If that were my daughter she would be grounded for life before I would ever let her ride with an idiot like that.

One thing a cop friend of mine told me....

no matter how fast the car or bike, how good the driver's skills are - you can never out-run a police radio.
man i hate that you buddy is hurt like that, but running form the cops never turns out good.
Well it's my understanding, now that I've talked to a few more reliable people, he wasn't actually running. They passed a cop in a suburban going the opposite way and the cop turned around. The cop said he didn't think either of them ever knew he was behind him. Supposibly he put that in his report. I got my info from another deputy so I find it reliable. No body knows who the other rider was yet. My budy don't remember riding with anyone and the rider never stopped.

Either way it won't change much other then maybe a few less criminal charges hopefully.
One thing a cop friend of mine told me....

no matter how fast the car or bike, how good the driver's skills are - you can never out-run a police radio.

Not that I am for running from the police or anything but where the wreck happened back up would be a ways away. Considering the amount of ground a bike can cover in just a few minutes.
I finally got to go see my buddy in Indy tonight. He has started getting his memory back. He remembers the unmarked suburban hitting its brakes as it went past him. My buddy turned around to look at the cop and that is when he went off the road. He didn't run from the cops at all. His inexperience and riding way to fast is what almost killed him.

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