A *real* tin magnet
75th, expecting a million. They are rolling in droves already and it don't officially start til next week. Locals rent out their houses and get the H out of Dodge. One friend rented his for $10,500 for 10 days. Motels been booked since last Sept and getting as high as $850 a night. I don't even know how they can do that, seems like price gouging. $8-$10 for a beer
Kinda wish I had a bike to go to down and snoop around but with a million strong and half of them have trailered in, no concept of what a real biker used to be. I still remember the days when bikers were a little bit intimidating, would never have thought of rider a bagger and came all the way from the west coast on a rigid pan with a peanut tank.
Now they are just old bastads riding 50 in the fast lane with their old lady's arm flap skin flapping in the breeze.
Kinda wish I had a bike to go to down and snoop around but with a million strong and half of them have trailered in, no concept of what a real biker used to be. I still remember the days when bikers were a little bit intimidating, would never have thought of rider a bagger and came all the way from the west coast on a rigid pan with a peanut tank.
Now they are just old bastads riding 50 in the fast lane with their old lady's arm flap skin flapping in the breeze.