That dang Willowbilly... it's just not fair!!!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
That dang Willowbilly is the luckiest hot rodder I know! WHERE does he find all that great tin?! I search & search & *never* come across 1/10 as much koool stuff as he does! HOW in the world does this happen?!?!?!? :eek:[S:eek:

And now he's nabbed some really koool petal cars!

BoB <------ Jealous
It's my magnetic personality.:D
Both of these pedal cars came to me. One antique dealer knows I like them and traded me the Garton. The Steelcraft a friend found at a community yard sale today and called to see if I wanted it. What's the chances of 2 coming in one week. Usually one or two a year that I actually buy because I like 'em old and unrestored. My Space cruiser another friend found for me and same guy also found me a Ford pedal tractor.
A buddy of mine has one that looks like a 40 ish coupe ... he found it in the woods .. I looked on the web to see if there was one like it and I never did find it .. I guess there was a lot of builders of these things out there .
It's my magnetic personality.:D
Both of these pedal cars came to me. One antique dealer knows I like them and traded me the Garton. The Steelcraft a friend found at a community yard sale today and called to see if I wanted it. What's the chances of 2 coming in one week. Usually one or two a year that I actually buy because I like 'em old and unrestored. My Space cruiser another friend found for me and same guy also found me a Ford pedal tractor.
Ya Ya Ya blah blah blah [ddd
Some guys just have all the luck! [ddd Anything metal that wasn't tied down or hid somewhere vanished around here when scrap prices were so high.
I don't know, Tripper, those pictures he posts look VERY suspicious. I think he steals those pictures from the net and tells us he "scored" them. I bet he is really a bored 12 year old who claims to be this Willowbilly guy ! :D


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