The father of our A/C electrical system!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
This isn't really not about cars but where would we be without A/C...

Nikola Tesla designed our modern A/C electrical system. He also believed it was possible to use the earth to transmit electrical energy. After he died... the Government seized all his scientific writings! He was a genius born in 1856 & also invented the induction electric motor & worked for Thomas Edison until Edison would not give him his bonus! They're running a special on him on the History channel right now. Ck it out... it's *very* interesting... IMO! It was rumored he had even developed a "Death Ray" that could destroy an entire city and be fired from the opposite side of the world... kool!!! :eek::eek::eek:
It was rumored he had even developed a "Death Ray" that could destroy an entire city and be fired from the opposite side of the world... kool!!! :eek:

I have one of those, it is powered by a big pink rabbit beating a drum.:D

Hummmm... I noticed a house down the street was vaporized the other day. You weren't aiming that thing my direction by any chance!?!?! :eek: Mite b a good replacement for the old Squasher/Vaporizer... interested in a trade?!?!


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