Motor mouth ratchet jaw!
there used to be a druggy woman that lived near me that was convinced everybody was spying on her.
(the drugs made her paranoid)
one day when she wasnt home .
i threw about 5 lbs. of catfood on top of her trailer house.
when she got home there were about 100 crows standing around on the roof of her house.
it looked like something out of THE OMEN.
that gave her something to be freaked out about.
The moral?
Dont take drugs or i will throw cat food on your roof
Thus endeth the lesson...
(the drugs made her paranoid)
one day when she wasnt home .
i threw about 5 lbs. of catfood on top of her trailer house.
when she got home there were about 100 crows standing around on the roof of her house.
it looked like something out of THE OMEN.
that gave her something to be freaked out about.
The moral?
Dont take drugs or i will throw cat food on your roof
Thus endeth the lesson...