Time Machine Farm Style

Rat Rods Rule

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A really rusty biker
May 11, 2007
Unwet side of Washington
A 1/2 mile from my house a field was being harvested with this set up. Why?
Because they could I guess. Pretty cool. Don't know what year this is. Ok, it's 2012. Don't know the vintage of combine.






that is the reason i have my recorder set to record classic tractor fever, it comes on midnite ct on the rfd channell to see the old stuff like this. if it was me i would be in the field with a video camera. thanks for posting.
So old the tires on the combine have no air in them but are holding it up only b/c they are so old & stiff!! (see how they sag in the middle of the tread)
Can't keep a Farmall down! [cl Love to see stuff like that still in use.

I've got a 1955 International 300 Utility tractor. Use it for bushogging and have a box blade for it also. Going to have to put a clutch in her this winter though, it will only release at idle speeds now. Makes it fun bushogging, you don't want to get into an area and have to back up!
I wish my grandfather could see this! Thanks for posting Cdog.[cl

I think the combine is from the '30s. The crawler is definitely Caterpillar like WB said.

'57 D4...

Very cool pics C-dog! That one of the gears is art.

Thanks, Sam. I played with that one a bit.

I wish my grandfather could see this! Thanks for posting Cdog.[cl

I think the combine is from the '30s. The crawler is definitely Caterpillar like WB said.

'57 D4...


They used that crawler regularly up until a few years ago. In the spring you could hear that squeeking away as late as 10 or 11 at night. I swear you could hear it for miles. Kinda miss it.
Great pics, they so remind me of my next door neighbours. They had no hydro and used very similar machinery. Not that they couldn't afford to upgrade, just lived life at a different pace. A sad day when they sold up a few years back.
I love seeing stuff like this. I come from a farming background and have a great appreciation for keeping things running. My 80 year old uncle has a sizable collection of restored Case tractors, some dating back to the 30's. When he speaks of them he loving says they are all ready to go to work.
too cool....I know it's tough being a farmer, must be needeing to bring out the old stuff thats payed for instead of loans!!

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