Pookie Bros
The Deacon of Diesel!
7000 members ! ! !
Let's see at $5.00 a head...... we could have one hell of a party!
Let's see at $5.00 a head...... we could have one hell of a party!
That's alot of cheddah.....I'll handle the money!........CR
Holy Crap!!
Currently Active Users: 63 (13 members and 50 guests)
How do we get these people to join up as members? That's alot of guests.
but the rest are really shy people.
7000 members, but BH has over 7000 posts. Hang on while i try to make some significance of this
More members isn't necessarily better. I saw a great Ford forum go to crap because they thought every warm body was an asset. Now it's just a bunch of kids and all the old guys with experience have long gone. I like us just like we are.
I have alot of screen names...
I know another FORD site where the owners are just there to make a dollar. Had spam in my PM. Only way to get rid of it was to become a "paying" member. Then there were the adds for GM and Toyota's..on a FORD site. [S
Congrats RRR for reaching this milestone. [cl