Tripper takes another trip!

Rat Rods Rule

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Older and more rusted every day!
RRR Supportor
May 10, 2007
Central Tejas
Well guys... another trip around Ol Sol! At my age I'm just glad to still be breathing & am missing a lot of our pals who aren't! Hope 2022 is better than the last few years but not holding my breaths! Here's to finding that elusive car we've been dreaming of or winning the BIG lottery! So on this last day of the year I'll just be soaking in the country life, having a lite dinner with some fam, kickin' back a lil vino & having a fire out on the back deck! Been a pleasure hangin' with you guys & swappin' lies!

Onward through the fog!!!

Thanks for having this club house for us all! Plans to spend the night around the fire here with neighbors and friends. I picked up some mortars to add to the fireworks tonight. Between our neighbors around here, it's usually a better show than we see around the public facilities. Wishing for a better year for all of us.
Been a real pleasure being here in great company and looking forward to many more years.
Thanks Tripper for this wonderful place to just kick up the feet and enjoy in peace.
Happy New Year to everyone!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*!*
Best site by a darn sight. Many thanks to Tripper.

I'm gonna have an extra shot of honey whiskey to celebrate.

Let's go Bruno!
I didn't have a single drink tonight, but I tore up those shine soaked cherries I put in the liquor last New years....about 4 gets ya feelin no pain...:D
A good time and place to sincerely hope you have a merry 2022 Trip. Thank you for another year of happy hours spent on this board.


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