tuc and roll????

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chopper tom

Way too young to be a hippy!
Oct 30, 2007
whitesburg KY
Can any of you guys tell me any info on doing my own tuc n roll upostery?
Some how to pics would be great?
Love real tuc and roll!
Haven't seen anything on tuck 'n roll since the "little pages". Just when you find out how to do it be sure to use some thick foam, nothing more disgusting than saggy wrinkly rolls.:D We have an upholstry guy on the board, probably to young to remember what tuck 'n roll is tho :D
tuck and roll

I saw a that done on Boyd coddington's show on tv once, they glued strips of foam on a foam base, and glued in between each piece, they started at one end, and just tucked the fabric into the middle of each piece between the cracks all the way to the other end , and then sewed it all togeather, my seat guy has pads he has already sewed in striaght lines, covers them with fabric and sews them all togeather, then glues it to the foam, sorry for the spelling, but you know what i ment.
Glad to see your back choppertom, you still have that WICKED truck you wanted to sell last year, but started working on it again, I hope you finished it, it was a killer truck.

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