What to do???

Rat Rods Rule

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
Hey All.

As you know me n my girl recently got married. Well we both recently got saved and gave our life to the lord as well. We have a fairly new church we attend and We have full custody of our 5 kids who are all very active in the church as well.

Our oldest became friends with a girl who basically wasnt a good friend so he told her he needed space(nicely tryying to depart) from her and now her mom is staring dwn our kids and just being rude! We love this church and most members love us and these other people has been there longer but This is gettin outta hand.

Im really struggling and am trying to be christianly but my buttons are being pushed bad. Any suggestions? Im talking to the youth pastor who married us tomorrow so if ya pray keep us in there please.

Just needed to vent a little. Tnx, RR
some people are just like that -- i mean you could confront her but i doubt it would make it any better --- its important to be involved in your kids lives and business - but there is a limit, i think, as to how far - how old are the 2 kids involved (if you dont mind me asking) - remember judge not lest ye be judged -
Hang in there RR ! Too many times the parents get into altercations over their kids and it gets ugly and while all of this is going on the kids make up and become friends! Let them work it out. You and Mrs. RR just need to keep an eye on things.....Good luck...CR
Turn the other cheek and move on, the more that is said about it the worse it will get.

An old man I knew would always say..."Well...that's them for that".
Read 1st timothy. There are guidelines for how to handle friction among members of the church. Basicly you "all" need to sit down with your pastor and work this out...you should pray about it and we will also pray for you..
While I believe in God, I have never really subscribed to the "turn the other cheek" philosophy. If I were in this situation I would not really give a d*** if they were being idiots or not, and would just ignore them. But if they escalated the hostilities I would be forced to face them and ask what their problem was. If all they are doing is giving you all dirty looks, what do you care? I can't control what other people do, only what I can do.

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Think maybe God is giving you a little pop quiz? It's about who you are.

Keep in mind Church is not a club with members, it's the way to salvation.
Confront her and ask her if everything is cool. Show concern for her feelings and you will have a friend. Communication is everything. Wars are fought and millions die because of poor communication.
Earthman's $00.02
Thanks all.


Thats so weird. I got me a niv study bible and just happened (without realizing it) read The book of Timothy earlier. WOW!

My kids are ranging from 16-9. Dont care if she gives me looks but dont like her waiting till all the adults are off and she comes up to my kids and stares em dwn. Thats just bullying.

I called the youth pastor and we worked out a plan. Were still prayin for her to. Tnx all. RR:D
I want to clarify a few things before the mods ask us to end this thread. True Christians study the bible and pray for a correct understanding. The apostle Paul delt with hypocricy from the begining and it is still infecting and dividing the church today. It's satans plan to divide and destroy the church and we allow it happen thru ignorance of Gods word. Turn the other cheek means don't seek revenge on those that would do you harm and it doesn't mean we have to be a wimp and take a beating. We can reach out to people by showing the love of Christ rather than engage in a battle with them.
Salvation is achieved thru the heart felt belief that Jesus died for our sins and when you become his obiedent disciple, you don't have to go to a church. Fellowship with other true Christians is important to your growth as a Christian but it is difficult to find a church that strictly follows the scriptures. If your church doesn't adhere to scripture, keep looking. Being a true Christian is not easy but we should be the best we can for the glory of Christ and in the knowledge that He loves us enough that he will reward us throughout eternity in His kingdom with Him and not separated from Him in hell.

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