Which wheels and tires ??

Rat Rods Rule

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Dec 6, 2007
Oberlin, KS
I'm pretty sure I know. I think the buick rally's with the narrower whitewalls compliment the paint style much better. The rears are photo shopped on there, as I'm waiting on some 1/4" wheel spacers.


I'll repaint the stock steels and clean up the WWW's though, just to change up the look on occasion.

like 'em both, how's that for straddling the fence.....:D

i have been told i have issues with making decisions...but i'm not so sure
I kinda go for the stockers too. The rally's might look better to me if they were green instead of black. Not sure if it's the style or the color I like better about the stock wheels.

I'm not sure, but I think I might be indecisive too...:p
I'm actually kind of surprised that more people are leaning towards the solids and WWW's. To me the paint has a 60's vibe to it, and WWW's just don't look quite right. I'm definately keeping both sets of wheels, but the rally's will probably be on it most of the time.

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