Busted and Rusted on Route 66
Started my vaction today so I did some work in the shop. Did a quicky clean-up and paint on my 50 year old Wilton Bullet Vise. Painted it hammered silver because I like it and had some. I'll go back and do the letters in black. The jaws were in pretty good shape should last another 50 years.
Disassembled it and cleaned it up. There are some saw and hammer marks but not too bad. I'll just leave them for character. I will be using this anyway.
Guar Exp date is 6-30-62
Sprayed it and reassembled it. Good for another 50 years. :thumbup:
Disassembled it and cleaned it up. There are some saw and hammer marks but not too bad. I'll just leave them for character. I will be using this anyway.

Guar Exp date is 6-30-62

Sprayed it and reassembled it. Good for another 50 years. :thumbup:


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