yet another deep thought

Rat Rods Rule

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Motor mouth ratchet jaw!
Nov 15, 2009
helifino USA
i keep ending up with ultra masculine vehicle projects and larger more powerful guns.
to those that say i am compensating for something.
i am
i am compensating for not having enough ultra masculine vehicle projects and larger more powerful guns.
now wheres that 45-70 pistol?[cl

This little handfull I shot one handed without any issues. Using a two hand hold and trying to control the recoil ripped it from my grip and threw it to the ground about 15 feet behind me. The hammer spur cut my hand up pretty good.
One night after work, some of the guys I worked with at the time were going to a gun range and invited me to go. One guy had some match quality 45's, and stuff like that. I took my little .38 and was shooting it.

One of the guys had a custom made .50 caliber rifle made from a gun that was on a helicopter or something. The shells were about 5 inches long. One of the guys said "Let Don shoot your rifle" so I did. It was on a tripod and when I pulled the trigger I let out every cuss word I knew ! :eek::eek: Holy crap, the recoil was unreal.

Everyone thought that was pretty funny.:eek::eek:


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