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Rat Rods Rule

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A *real* tin magnet
Dec 10, 2007
Black Hills South Dakota
My nephew and I are toying around with doing a Youtube series. Something along the lines of roadkill with a touch of the early Dave's Farm mayhem. He has about 100 pickups, trucks, tractors and such at the ranch. Plus a shooting range and a pretty decent rc helicopter camera. I'd probably bring more of the old car element. Find old cars, get them running and lots of action with a little flair of Madmax maybe. All just in the planning stage and could use some ideas.
One of our first plans is to destroy an old Aerostar. Get it to run wfo without a driver, sky it over a hug berm into a lake at an old surface mine. Nephew has a 35,000 acre ranch with lots of room to do fun stuff. We have lots of weapons and cordite too.[ddd
What do you all think?
Cheese an' crackers Willowbilly......... 35,000 acres???? that's a country
in some parts of the world.....can't imagine, I couldn't take care of
3.5 acres :D anyway good luck with the series, sounds like fun.....
we'll be watching[P[P
Please don't run it into a pond or lake. It'll seriously contaminate the water and land with oil and gas :(
Other than that, I love watching stuff like you're talking about [cl :cool:
I'd be a loyal fan....

but I agree...keep the stuff out of the pond...and I agree with fbp...I can't deal with 2.5 acres....can't imagine having 35,000 of them...WoW!! Thats crazy big...
The "pond" is a hole left years ago from digging bentonite. Nothing lives it or around it and the cows or deer won't drink, ducks won't land on it. Nowdays they have to do reclamation where ever they dig. I don't think we would leave the car in there.
The ranch used to be over 70,000 acres but they had to sell off some due to mismanagement by a previous generation back in the 70s-80s
I think it's a great idea. Your creativity knows no limits. Go for it! How about dirt drags on some of that 35,000 acres?

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