'47 Dodge shop truck

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From what I have been told and seen. And what little experience I have. You should start from the outside of the dent and work toward the center a little at a time. Kind of in a circle and working your way in. If you start in the center and work out it seems to stretch and wrinkle more. Almost like you are creating extra material.
From what I have been told and seen. And what little experience I have. You should start from the outside of the dent and work toward the center a little at a time. Kind of in a circle and working your way in. If you start in the center and work out it seems to stretch and wrinkle more. Almost like you are creating extra material.

Not to sound like a know it all kenny ...
Your advice is what I originally started my post out with. I then edited it after looking at the pics closer.
The guys that taught me the trade were in two camps. Some started at the point of impact. Others worked their way into it.
That area in the center and down towards the wheel opening bead looks to me like it would hold back the other lesser areas from reshaping. So I suggested starting there. Get that area as well as the really creased and folded lower rear apron and then go the way you suggest. If that makes sense.
In my experience with that much damage, the first thing is to not inflict more.[ddd
I agree with dutch on the use of a broad face mallet or wood block. There is going to be some stretching, no matter what. I guess POPS is going to learn how to shrink metal as well.:eek::cool:
Always hard to diagnose things via pics. We will all learn something with this one.
[P [P [P
I was taught... last in, first out. (I'd bolt the fender back on and work it from there.)

My '38 Chevy was bashed worse than the pictures can hope to demonstrate... anyhow, the "rule of thumb" has served me well and I hope it serves you...





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Torchie, Doc and all others. I haven't got the experience that you guys have. I was only trying to help and I take no offense at all. Every job is different and experience is what makes it go easier and come out better when done.
Torchie, Doc and all others. I haven't got the experience that you guys have. I was only trying to help and I take no offense at all. Every job is different and experience is what makes it go easier and come out better when done.

No offense meant or taken .
Responses like all of these is what makes this site the best.[cl:D[cl
Some times we get stuck doing things the way we always have. Fresh eye's and opinions help to stop that.
Now back to POPS....
[P [P [P
Wow, I just saw this! So glad you're okay, pops! I agree with the good Dr, I'd bolt it back on and try it from there. I know on my truck, I had some dents (although not as bad) that looked like the fender was all screwed up, you "gently" hammer on the back of it (with a 5 lb sledge in my case) and once it gets close it would want to go back to its shape. Hopefully yours has a bit of shape memory to is as well.
You guys are awesome! I get the feeling I may in for a learning experience on this fender project. I appreciate all the info given here and don't think for a minute you're hijacking any thing.
I haven't started anything on the fender cause i decided I've paid vehicle insurance for over 50 years and never filed a claim on any of my own vehicles. I should hear something from an adjuster soon to set a time for him to do his thing. We going to see how Grundy handles this. I have full coverage with no deductible on a declared value of $20,000.00. We will see how it works out.
I have had a few people I know file claims on their Classics and the seemed to be satisfied with the results. Most of them carried Grundy Or Haggerty's.
Make sure the adjuster see the wreck door as well.
Good luck to you POPS.
[P [P [P [P
The insurance "adjuster" was just a picture taker. He claims Grundy didn't want to pay him for his time to search parts sources for my old Dodge. They said they would handle it in house. So its a waiting game as far as the insurance goes.

I might have this thing put back together before they get anything done.
Interesting POPS.
One of the guys that I know filed a claim with Haggerty was for his model T. I thought he said that they took care of everything including finding someone to put it all back together I could be misremembering though.
I know that you would rather do the work yourself. As long as they come up with the moneys
Hang in there pops, I have known quite a few people that have made claims with classic insurance. Both doing repairs themselves and getting a shop to do it, and eventually the insurance came around. Some were easier than others but you need to hold your ground. If you have any correspondence with the guy that had the rear fenders for a high price, make sure they see that. Even if you can get the guy to write something up including a receipt for the door you bought and your travel expenses to get it.
After 4 hrs of not so gentle massage work. A couple more days and I should be able to get it close enough for me and and the girls I run around with. It's going to take some patch work on the bottom on the back side but all things considered its not too bad.


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