All I want is a garage and to be left alone.

Rat Rods Rule

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Thanks Lynn,

Glad to see things shaping up a bit for you, don't worry 1 is in hiding [ddd For 20 years I alway was looking thru the glass and always wanting to build something, I got back to my roots when I started building my 51 and I don't plan on wasting away anymore. I have started over before and I will comeback stronger and a little wiser for the next go round :D.
This is troubling. I'm assuming you don't have exclusive control over your food and drink like the rest of us don't. it would be no difficulty for a prankster or a malicious person to poison your food or drink which would of course show up on a drug screen. I'd advise for about week, at least 3-4 days eating prepackaged food or eating out exclusively if you don't trust everyone with access to your stores.
the system of a non drug user will clear itself of drugs and metabolites in a few days.
Also there are various degrees of unrinalysis
Poppy seeds in your diet can trigger a false positive for narcotics in cheaper labwork.
Energy drinks and decongestants can trigger a false positive for amphtamines and meth.

very sensitive lab work commonly finds compounds from ordinary foods and medicines that could trigger a positive for illegal drugs in trace amounts and responsible labs have thresholds which must be met for trace amounts to trigger evidence of abuse.

If you do receive a false positive you have the right to retest with a different test.
When I go in for a **** test I tell them I like poppy seeds, I use a variety of legal over the counter prescription drugs and consume ephedroids.(bitter orange, ephedra tea, green red and hot peppers and chilies)

I learned this when I was on parole for thieving. they gave us a tighter test than what you would be subjected to for a commercial employment drug screen and any false positive were incontestable and would have resulted in an immediate return to incarceration so the terms of the parole stipulated I had agreed to not consume these items that could trigger a false positive>

You have a right to what degree of urinalysis you will subject yourself and a right to retest so look into it before you do it. a commercial urinalysis is going to let trace amounts of triggering compounds from ordinary legal consumer products go undocumented but a law enforcement urinalysis will not.

My legal standing has since been rehabilitated. It wasnt about stealing stuff to have it, I was stealing guns.
Today I probably would be branded a terrorist. I was a very angry young man. family told me I didn't get arrested I got saved.

Growing up i was victimized a lot, It made me mean. I wanted to see this worthless world crumble to the ground. Boy was I in a bubble. I was never a victim of this Sandusky stuff but I was in school when it was going on and I knew it was going on and I knew the government was allowing it. Look up Franklin credit union scandal.
My turning to the dark side began when the school told me not to worry about a kid that had said he was going to kill me then the school and the police successfully conspired to cover it up when he attacked and stabbed me to make it my fault and put me in suspension for a semester. it was a combination of that and the rest of society just looking the other way that brought the judgment on them.
I later realized i wasn't getting even with anyone I was just "spreading the love">
Anyways in jail some old timers counseled me on owning your wrongs and getting on with life. I wouldn't have escalated beyond stealing fighting and vandalizing and I was looking for a way out when I was confronted about it by the law so i fessed up did my time and they restored my rights.
I have a few theories from it:

-Sooner or later in life something is going to make a man out of you and Gods going to keep turning the screws till you turn around.

-The first part of your life your a product of your environment, the last part of your life you become who you chose to be.

- Young people reach a certain stage of development they experience firsthand the hypocrisy. they see for themselves that the world is not as their parents taught them to be. People you were told to look up to and respect as protectors and authorities often will not respect you, will look down on you, and will put their own best interest first.
Some kids accept the corruption as the natural order of things and probably go on to be complicit or commit the corruptions themselves under the same excuses such as "just doing my job" and live a life of pleasant mediocrity

Some kids are destined to do something. They have a strong conscience but this is the time of their lives when they don't know what to do and without guidance or with as in my case since I was turned out by other criminals forcing me into it at first... wrongfull guidance.
Some of these Kids go on to become leaders and businessmen
Some head off full steam in the wrong direction but it's never too late to turn the other way.

your doing the best thing you can by being engaged with them and not abandoning them for fear of it bringing you trouble. In my case before I got in deep people who should have stayed on me and never let up just turned away from me and gave up and let me be what the world was gonna try to turn me into.
I will never forget that decision to turn myself in and take what I had coming. I came out of it with something solid to stand on from which I could rebuild who I am from the wreckage.
I'm not an alcoholic but I did spend 5 years and then again 3 years in AA learning how to live.
I've read that if you happen to find a threatening letter in your mail you can get a protection order and if the threat is from an undisclosed party you can get a john doe restraining order and both protect you by trumping abusive accusations since falsifying affidavits and warning calls is considered abuse of the legal system.
people do in fact abuse the system and use it as a weapon. protection orders counter that.
Another thing to consider is criminal libel and slander. if the authorities will not raise a case you can (I recommend a lawyer) file affidavits with the court evidencing libel and slander and sue for compensation.
One of the lessons we learned from the OJ Simpson murder case and wrongful death suit is that even if found innocent of criminal charges a defendant can still be sued to settle a civil liability.

It's possible there isn't enough evidence for the law to pursue a case against your harasser or it's also possible that law enforcement has taken a standing of prejudiced against you over the person harassing you which could result in a civil lawsuit to settle that wrong as well.
You have to ask what an officer is... An officer is not the law. he is the eyes and ears of the law, it's his job to look for evidence.
He is a Marshall of the court. He does not have the power to pass judgment of guilt, this belongs to the court. He does not have the power to imprison you, he has the power if he has compelling evidence of a crime to remand you to the court to appear before the judge.
He is the witness of the people against you.
Just because the police will not institute criminal proceedings does not mean the prosecutor will not.
The judge himself without regard to the police or the prosecutor's office can decide to hear your appeal to the court for an examination of evidence for the purpose of charging someone with a crime.
The police are the witnesses for the people
The prosecutor is the lawyer for the people
The judge is the impartial adjudicator of the people's justice and your lawyer and witnesses are equal in standing to those of the state before the court.
I'm not telling you this to get you all uppity and thinking your going to waltz into court like perry mason>
But if a crime has been committed against you such as slander, libel, abuse of the law you have the ability to make the case and present it before the court if the police and the prosecutor will not.
The least the court may do, if the police and the prosecutors office fails you, is to issue a restraining order to protect you from abuse of law enforcement. If you cannot find out who is harassing you, a john doe restraining order will block the legal consequences of the falsified reports against you and will also create a public record of the reports called discovery which can be used by your attorney in a lawsuit against the person.
Abuse of the law doesn't mean the officers are abusing you, they are just doing their job... right or wrong. the people have decided that this is their job....
Abuse of the law means that someone is lying to the law to get them to punish you unjustly.
If it cannot be proved the "whistleblower" is lying and libeling or slandering still are due protections from unjustified legal jeopardy.

Remember why I was mad when I was a kid? Another teenager tried to kill me and because I wasn't hurt that bed (small cut and bruised rib-I got stabbed in the rib over the heart with a shank) the police refused to do anything about it at the request of the school and my parents did not know what to do.
I made it a purpose in life to never again be forced to lay down and accept being a victim.
And we already learned the lesson striking out only hurts innocent people...revenge never gets delivered to it's deserves.

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