Baby it's cold outside

Rat Rods Rule

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Well, I'm pretty sure the cold bit my s10 in the bottom. Sounds like I spun a main bearing. Couldn't hear it over the headwinds, but it was short on power. Just went out and restarted it - don't sound good. Gonna have to dig out the 63. Literally dig it out.
Not good Sam..

Hope it's not hurt too bad....I had to dig out today....It's zero here now.....wind has died down about 10 inches of snow last night....more north of me...spent 3 hours doing my and my neighbor's drives....their wimpy flapper type blowers did squat....I've got a JD lawn tractor decked out with weights, chains and a snow blower on's the cats a$$ ....the only problem is the wind.....kept blowing that stuff back at me... again...hope the s10 isn't hurt too bad...
The thirsty 4.3L. Sarge, you seem more concerned about it than I am. It's just my winter beater. I'm 6'2" and a 89 s10 is about 3" too small.

Plan is this weekend: drop the pan, replace the offending bearing(s), goop on pan with old gasket, drive till it blows. May need to replace filter and clean the pick-up too.

On the plus side, I won't make it to work in the -40˚ windchills tommorow. Darn! :D
Dont like to see anyone having to work on stuff

In this crappy weather....even a beater....will be good if it holds a bearing.....but either way seems you got it covered.....which is good....:D
NOW it's finally cold enough here in ChicagoLand to post up. Actually had to dig my Parka out & find the Flannel lined jeans. Left for work this am @ 6:30 it was 16 below. Had to keep my coffee cup under my coat until I got in the car. ;)

Dad was with Adm. Bryd in 1956 on Operation Deep Freeze.

When I think how it must of been for Dad & his shipmates back then, I think it's funny how some folks lose their minds over one or two cold days
People here over the weekend

were going nutz.....buying up food and water like it was the end of the's a winter storm??? Like we've never gotten snow in Michigan before....??? WTH??? Every parking spot in the local Kroger Store was filled....they were parking in the fire lane......risked parking tickets to get water and!!! A lady I know was held over for two shifts to feed the frenzied masses.....stupid...:eek:
We are getting cold down here in Ga.also..Looking at record breaking cold on tonite and Tues. 13 with wind. A couple of days before Christmas,we had record breaking heat. 83
The dreaded "Rear Admiral". :eek:

No offense, just goofing off as usual. Cool film and respect to your father. [cl


Dad & his crew did the actually work. They only saw the Adm. for photo day.
no offense taken. ;)

were going nutz.....buying up food and water like it was the end of the's a winter storm??? ...

Yes, pretty silly. For those of us that are 50+ this is the winters I remember from my youth. Here in the Great Lakes states, It's supposed to be cold in the winter. by Friday it will be in the 40s again.
going out to shoot some groups for a online match i started.
these are fun and i have done a few of them.
this one is a 5 shot group at either 25 or 50 yards
with any kind of .22lr pistol
any kind of rest
and any kind of target
smallest group wins a billion shemolians and the nobel prize
i braved the elements

some groups i shot just now.
i had to quit because i am getting over the flu and started feeling cruddy
wolf match target and cci standard velocity
5 shots each at 25 yards


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