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Jan 21, 2008
Starting to get over a bad case of Bronchitis. Had a fever of 104 and some messed up dreams, was unable to breath. Some scary **** when you can hardly breath. I am going to quit smoking,I have to or I'll be dead before 50. Glad to be back.
Me 2!!!

I had that for about 4 weeks... dang near killed me. Coughed both lungs up & had to shove them back down with a stick! Finally had to get a lower region shot that really hurt & some serious meds! Be careful because it's very easy to relapse on that stuff! Welcome back!!!

Very true,the butt's have been bad news for over 15 yrs and I've just been telling myself I'll quit when I get older,guess I'm older. This is the fourth or fifth time in last 12mo I've had it. They gave me a lung xray on Sat. and said no major issues. I was starting to fear the "Big C" for a while there,but if I keep up smoking I'm sure it would just be a matter of time,or I'll end up with a oxy tank strapped to me. Anyone got any helpful quiting tips? I'm planning on getting that new prescription pill,but I'm worried about staying busy so I don't think to much about cigs.
Ok... I know this is stupid but it worked 4 me!

Anyone got any helpful quiting tips? I'm planning on getting that new prescription pill,but I'm worried about staying busy so I don't think to much about cigs.

Ok, this may sound stupid but... I lied to myself & hypnotized myself! Wow... glad that's out in the open now. I quit on my 40th B-day after smoking for 20 years... that was nearly 20 years ago! 1st off I smoked until it damn near made me sick... then I hypnotized myself & told myself I had never smoked & when I saw *anyone* smoking... I would tell myself that was the MOST disgusting habit I had ever seen & as gross as it gets. I did all this right B4 my B-day. Then on my B-day I threw all cigs away... because I never smoked so why would I need cigs. I never quit... because I never smoked! Sounds stupid or maybe I'm easily hypnotized (by myself)!!! Anyway... 20 years since I never smoked! Figure I saved over $20K too... 2 or 3 rat rods @ least!!!

Only one way to quit... put 'um down & NEVER smoke one again... ever!

BoB <------ lets the tires do the smokin'!!!
My Pops quit when my niece was born, cold turkey. I find that if I'm with someone that doesn't smoke, I quit. When I'm with someone that smokes, I smoke. The job I have right now, my office is on the 5th floor, so I don't smoke at work because I'm too lazy to go downstairs and outside.

I forgot, my Pops died 2 1/2 years later from a massive heart attack. He gained too much weight. My Mother wished he had kept smoking.
I gotta quit myself,
It is just killin me. Plus I have an uncle with Emphazima, and my grandma died from breathing difficulties.

Someone from work told me what he did, let me see what it was and I will get back in touch.

Hope you get to feelin better.
got no tips here, i used to smoke cigars at parties because i thought it was cool. i occasionally smoke a cigar for fun (once every year or so). otherwise, i stay away from it, makes you smell bad, and it's bad for your health. glad you pulled through though, toss those cigs in the garbage and chew some nicorette.
I've never smoked in my life or had the urge to do so. My Dad was a heavy smoker and died at 47 from a heart attack. When I was a little kid he would try to play baseball or some other activity with me, but he would get chest pains and have to sit down. He would stick his finger in my face and say "I don't care how old you get, if I EVER see you with a cigarette I am going to break all your fingers!" It must have stuck, because I never have.

Because I never have, for the life of me I can't understand the attraction. I am not making that statement to be insensitive, just honest. What is nice about drawing smoke into your body? I've tried to analyze it from every angle and I just don't get it.

My Ex wife was a smoker and over the 28 years we were together I tried every ploy to get her to stop..........threats, bribes, encouragement, medicines, etc. Nothing, and she is an RN who has seen many people dying and suffering from lung cancer. It must be something the tobacco companies are putting in them to addict people. I have heard that some people who have overcome drug addiction can't stop smoking! :eek:

I sure hope all of you who want to quit find some way to do it. I grew up without a Dad because of it and would hate to see your kids do the same.

Thanks for your thoughts, look forward to hearing back. I did that whole hipnotize thing once at some hotel meeting room with about 30 other suckers what a joke. Wish I could do it myself. I'm 29,been smokin' since 15 I think :rolleyes: . I'm on two blood pressure meds cuase it's so high from genetics. Only about 20lbs overweight so hoping that don't get out of control. Plus the extra cash,about $4.85 a pk here. All great reasons.
I've never smoked in my life or had the urge to do so. My Dad was a heavy smoker and died at 47 from a heart attack. When I was a little kid he would try to play baseball or some other activity with me, but he would get chest pains and have to sit down. He would stick his finger in my face and say "I don't care how old you get, if I EVER see you with a cigarette I am going to break all your fingers!" It must have stuck, because I never have.

Because I never have, for the life of me I can't understand the attraction. I am not making that statement to be insensitive, just honest. What is nice about drawing smoke into your body? I've tried to analyze it from every angle and I just don't get it.

My Ex wife was a smoker and over the 28 years we were together I tried every ploy to get her to stop..........threats, bribes, encouragement, medicines, etc. Nothing, and she is an RN who has seen many people dying and suffering from lung cancer. It must be something the tobacco companies are putting in them to addict people. I have heard that some people who have overcome drug addiction can't stop smoking! :eek:

I sure hope all of you who want to quit find some way to do it. I grew up without a Dad because of it and would hate to see your kids do the same.


Real hard to explain, to parts though, chemical dependancy on nicotine(and other crap)brain needs it to think straight. Other is habit,ever crack your knuckels when your nervous or something else like that,it's the same thing.

And sometimes for some real sick reason the smoke tastes good,not to often though.

I recall hearing somewhere it is mentally easier to quit herion. I wouldnt want to try both.
Been doing a little digging around....about 2 months ago my sister gave me a sample of Camel Snus she got for free for buying 3 packs of Camels,I tried it but didn't think much of it,not to into smokeless. But sitting here jonesing for some nic,I tried one and it's doing good. ~ Any who, read This if your up for quiting the squares too.
First off I'm glad your feeling better. I'm also glad your trying to quit..I hope you can kick the habit. Personally I was smoking two packs a day up until 1991. Dec 1, 1990 my father passed away from lung cancer, and (fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), I was the one taking care of him until the end. I figured that even though he made it to 74 before it caught up with him, I wasn't going to take the chance. New years eve 1990 I went to a party, and at 11:50 something, I handed my cigarettes to another guy and that was it. IT was tough for a while, but I didn't go back. 17 years later I'm glad I quit and want to give encouragement to anyone who is trying to kick the RRbiz...hang in there, it will get easier and you won't be sorry down the road
Thanks for the words, I will keep tring untill I succeed,may mess up a little but I'll stay strong. Nothing better than beer and smokes-oh well just need more beer.
when i quit 18 years ago, i smoked 4+ packs a day, i accidently burned my son with a cig and told myself that would never happen again

1st thing, the urge for a cig only last as long as it takes to smoke one, bout 5 minutes, 2nd thing, when you get the urge, just keep telling yourself over and over (till the urge goes away) say "I DONT SMOKE" or "IM A NONE SMOKER" 3rd thing to remember is, never look back, never give in

it does get easyer with time, if you can make it 3 months, you have it beat

its been 18 years for me and every once in a while, i still get the urge for a smoke, again, tell yourself (outload if you need to) " I DONT SMOKE "

oh yeah, my parent both quit a month after i did, they payed a hypnotist to help them, they were told exactly what i just typed, tell yourself you " DONT SMOKE "

good luck Ron
I smoked for 35 years, been off them for 3-4 years now. They were showing the little kids fear stuff on smoking at school and my 2nd grade daughter came home crying and said she didn't want me to die too (right after she lost her favorite brother) It wasn't too hard to stop after that.

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